To customize a face-to-face notification:
Go to the face-to-face activity in question
In the Administration block, go to Facetoface administration > Settings
Expand the "Notifications" section
Click on the cogwheel icon next to the event in question
If the badge next to the icon reads "System default"', the message uses the default message in the system. That default message can only be customized by a System Administrator.
If the badge next to the icon reads "Custom", the message has already been customized
Enter the message you want to send for this particular
event. You can use “placeholders” in your custom emails if you want to show for example the duration of the course, the date(s), etc. The following placeholders are available:
[session:customfieldname] where “customfieldname” is the unique name of the custom field. For example, to display the location, you would enter [session:location])
Click on the "Save changes" button
Important Notes
The system-wide default messages can be modified by a System Administrator as per the Modifying Language Strings article.