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The data migration services described below generally require a one-time professional services fee. For more information, please contact us.

Many hospitals and healthcare organizations that implement the Dual Code learning environment need to migrate learning records from their legacy LMS or in some cases, from spreadsheets that they've manually managed. The learning records can easily be imported into the Dual Code learning environment by uploading a CSV (comma separated value) file.

To upload learning records:

  1. Go to Site Administration > Courses > Upload learning records
  2. Either drag and drop the CSV file or click the 'Choose a file' button and select the file in the file picker

  3. Select appropriate import options carefully, then click the preview button.

  4. If you are happy with the results of the preview, you can proceed by clicking on the "Upload Learning Records" button. Otherwise, you may click on the "Cancel" button and adjust your CSV file accordingly.

Sample File

The text file to upload learning records must be a CSV file. Here is an example of a simple valid upload file:

jsmith,completed,Accessibility, 2015-04-21,85


There are a few rules that need to be respected in order for the data migration to work:

  • The By default, the encoding of the CSV file must be in UTF-8. The import wizard allows you to specify a different encoding scheme but we recommend that you use the UTF-8 encoding, especially if you are using French or international characters
  • The first row in the CSV file must contain the name of the columns to be imported, These are:
    • actor
    • verb
    • object
    • timestamp
    • finalgrade
  • The next rows in the CSV file will contain the learning record information that needs to be imported in the learning environment (one row per learning record)
  • The actor must be the user's username as it exists in the learning environment. It's important to note that the username must exist. If it doesn't, you must first create the user.
  • The verb must be "completed" 
  • The object must be the shortname of the course as it exists in the learning environment. It's important to note that the shortname must exist. IF it doesn't you must first create the course.
  • The timestamp must be in the following ISO 8601 format: 2016-06-28T15:19:21+00:00, where:
    • 2016-06-27 is the date in YYYY-MM-DD format (based on the Gregorian calendar)
    • 15:19:21 is the time in hh:mm:ss format (based on the 24-hour clock system)
    • +00:00 is the time offset from the UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). For example, an organization located in Ottawa or Toronto would write -04:00
    • You can omit the time and timezone if you want. 
      • If you omit the time, the system will log the time as 12:00 AM. 
      • If you omit the the timezone, the system will use the system's default timezone.
  • The finalgrade is a float value. Do not include a % symbol, ex: 93.75

      Sample File

      Here is an example of a valid file:


        • If you do not have a finalgrade for historical data, you still need "finalgrade" in the first row of the CSV file, but you can leave the column empty for each record