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This feature needs to be enabled by Dual Code. For more information, please contact us via our service desk.

Canada's Anti-Spam Law, or CASL for short, is a law that came in effect in Canada on July 1, 2014. The law puts the onus on organizations that send electronic messages such as emails to keep track of the users' consent to receive electronic messages and provide an easy mechanism for users to unsubscribe from electronic messages.

To help organizations comply with CASL, the learning environment has a feature that when enabled:

  1. Will ask users during the self-registration process whether or not they grant you permission to send them email messages as part of the service; and
  2. Embeds a message at the bottom of every email sent to users that contains a link. This link allows them to easily unsubscribe from all emails, except emails you flagged as mandatory because they are critical to the provisioning of your services.

Once this feature is enabled by Dual Code, you can add and/or customize the message that you want to appear at the bottom of every email. You can configure this message using the standard language customization tool using the "casl_footer" string identifier in the "local_notification" component. For more information on how to customize language strings, visit the Modifying Language Strings documentation page.

There are 3 tags that you can configure as part of this message:

  • {$a->sitename}: The name of your learning environment
  • {$a->siteurl}: The URL of your learning environment
  • {$a->unsubscribe}: The link that will allow users to easily unsubscribe from all emails.

Below is a sample message used by other Dual Code clients.

You are receiving this email because you provided your email address through your registration with {$a->sitename}. If you no longer wish to receive emails from us, go to {$a->unsubscribe}.