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The upload users tool allows a System Administrator to perform multiple tasks at once, including but not limited to:


  1. Create a CSV (comma separated values) file that contains the user information
    1. Details about the valid format for the CSV file can be found later in this article.
  2. Go to Site administration > Users > Accounts > Upload users
  3. Add the file to upload
  4. Follow the instructions

Note that it is usually not necessary to manually upload users in bulk with Upload users. To keep maintenance work downif you are uploading users on a regular basis, you should first consider automating this procedure via the "Automated Upload" functionality provided by Dual Codeconsider Scheduling User Uploads instead of manually uploading your users. The scheduled user uploads automates the process for you.

Below are some tips and additional details depending on what you are trying to accomplish with the "Upload users" tool


You can find more information regarding custom user fields here

When uploading an Associated input field, please ensure to use the custom profile name (e.g. profile_field_employeeID) instead of the target field (e.g. idnumber). 


  • For the System Administrator role, use "manager" (without the quotes)
  • For the Supervisor role, use "supervisor"
  • For the Course Creator role, use "coursecreator"

You can also unassign system roles by entering the same shortname of that role prefixed with a minus symbol: '-'. If the user is currently assigned to that role, they are removed from it. If the user is not currently assigned to that system role, the field value is ignored. However, the field value must refer to a system role that does exist on the system, otherwise an error will occur.


firstname, lastname, username, email, city, country, lang, timezone, mailformat, maildisplay, maildigest, htmleditor, ajax, autosubscribe ,institution, department, idnumber, skype, msn, aim, yahoo, icq, phone1, phone2, address, url, description, descriptionformat, password, auth, deleted, suspended, course1, type1, role1, group1, enrolperiod1, course2, type2, role2, group2, enrolperiod2, program1, program2, cohort1, cohort2

See Also
