- Go to the course in question
- Go to Course Administration > Users > Enrollment Methods
- Select the "E-Commerce Course" method from the "Add method" pulldown menu
- Fill out the form.
- The "Cost" is mandatory and is expressed as dollars and cents (e.g. 99.90). Do not put a dollar sign in the field nor a comma.
- The other fields are optional and for the most part, can be left as per the defaults.
- Click on the "Add method" button at the bottom of the page
- Go to the course in question
- Go to Course Administration > Users > Enrollment Methods
- Select the "Face-to-face session enrolments" method from the "Add method" pulldown menu
- Fill out the form.
- The "Cost" is mandatory and is expressed as dollars and cents (e.g. 99.90). Do not put a dollar sign in the field nor a comma.
- The other fields are optional and for the most part, can be left as per the defaults.
- Click on the "Add method" button at the bottom of the page