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Step-by-step Guide

To complete coursesa course:

  1. Go to the course in question
  2. Read the instructions below the "Course Outline" heading (if applicable).
    1. Courses may or may not have instructions. Generally speaking, if the course has special instructions, the instructor would have written them near the top of the course.
  3. Click on each activity in the course to complete them

As you complete each activity, the checkbox on the right side of that activity will automatically get checked off. Please note however that some activities, like an assignment that needs to be graded by an instructor, are not checked off immediately as they may require an instructor to verify / grade the activity.


The completion criteria for each activity is explained in a badge next to each activity in question.

  • A "To do" badge means that you need to do something to complete the activity. For example, a badge displaying "To do: View" means that you have to view the activity, while a badge displaying  "To do: Receive a passing grade" means that the activity is graded and that you need to meet a certain minimum score to complete it. 
  • A "Done" badge means that the activity is marked as done.
    • A badge displaying "Done: Completed" means that you have met the "To do" criteria and have completed the activity.
    • A badge displaying "Done: Skipped" means that while you did not compete the activity as per the criteria, you do not need to complete it. The "skipped" badge is displayed for example if a course has two or more activities and you only needed to complete one of them. Another example is if you were granted an equivalency for a course or your learning record was imported from another system. In this case, the system recognizes that you have completed the course but you did not complete the activity in question in the learning environment. As such, the system cannot mark you as "Done: Completed".
  • It is possible for an activity to have no badges. Generally speaking, it's because the activity is optional and the instructor chose not to track the activity in question. It may also be because the activity was completed a long time ago and before activity completion was enabled on your system. 

Once all the mandatory activities within the course are complete, a green "Congratulations" messages will appear above the "Course Outline" heading as per the screenshot belowat the top of the page. If a Certificate of Completion is available, you may download it.Image Removedoffered with the course, it will automatically be emailed to you in PDF format.

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