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titleImportant Notes for 3.9 Clients

If you are upgrading to this release from 3.9, we recommend you look at the major features made available in Moodle 3.10Moodle 3.11, Moodle 4.0 and Moodle 4.1.


September 5, 2023

Users Can Double-Click on the Payment Button when Using Paypal Pro (Improvement)

When purchasing a course using PayPal Pro, some users would double-click on the payment button, thereby resulting a two charges from Paypal Pro. As part of this improvement, the learning environment now prevents double-clicking on the payment button when using the PayPal Pro payment page.

Ref: HCE-7270

September 1, 2023

User Unassignment for Performance Appraisal Ends Abruptly (Bug Fix)

When changing the business rules for the assignment of performance appraisals, it is possible to unassign users from appraisal forms. If the performance appraisal system tried to unassign users who had already completed the form, the system would immediately throw an exception and stop processing the rest of the users. The end result is that users who should have been unassigned (after the exception took place) were never unassigned from the form. As part of this software fix, if a user no longer qualifies based on the new business rules has already been completed the form, the system simply skips them (without throwing an exception) and continues to process the rest of the users.

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Ref: HCE-7236

August 28, 2023

Empty CSV File Used for User Uploads Reports a Failure  (Improvement)

If the learning environment, as part of the "User Upload" procedure, tries to upload a CSV file that simply contains the headers but no data, it would report a failure. As part of this improvement, processing a file that contains no user data is considered a success.

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Ref: HCE-7228

August 28, 2023

Conditions may Inadvertently Save the 1st Operator in the List Instead of the Previously Saved Operator (Bug Fix)

When defining conditions in programs, cohorts or the performance appraisal system, some special fields types such as the "Date/Time" field type (as an example) load special operators (e.g. "is on", "is before", or "is after"). When loading the page, the correct operator would be displayed, but if the administrator did not interact with the condition and simply clicked on "Save Changes" (e.g. saved the page without modifying the condition), the learning environment would inadvertently save the condition using the 1st operator in the list ("is on") instead of the previously saved operator ("is before" or "is after"). As part of this software fix, the page now saves the previously saved operator for those special field types.

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Ref: HCE-7246

August 21, 2023

The "Terms and Conditions" Activity does not Display Badges (Improvement)

When a user views the course outline page, a badge on the right side of the activity in question informs them what they need to do (if the activity is incomplete) such as "View the activity" or "Receive a passing grade", or what they have already accomplished (if the activity has been completed). The "Terms and Conditions" activity however did not have any badges. As part of this improvement, the Terms and Conditions activity now states that the user must accept the terms and conditions, which may include legal terms, a policy, or whatever the instructor put in the activity.

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Ref: HCE-7212

August 21, 2023

Updates to the "Course Completed" Enrollment Plugin (Improvement)

The "Course Completed" enrollment plugin, which allows an administrator to /wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34848622, has been updated.  Details about the latest changes related to this 3rd party plugin are available in

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Ref: HCE-7203

August 16, 2023

Programs Where "Assign the role of" is set to "Do not assign roles" Enrolls Users in Courses (Bug Fix)

When an administrator defines a program, by default, the value of "Assign the role of" is set to "Student". The administrator however has the option to set "Assign the role of" to "Do not assign roles". The expectation is that this option would not enroll the user in the course(s) included in the program. However, the actual behaviour prior to this bug fix was that system would still enrol users in the program. It would simply omit to assign them the role of "Student". (In the learning environment, a user is first enrolled in the course, and then assigned a specific role, which is usually the role of "Student" but could also be an instructor role for example.) As part of this software fix, if "Assign the role of" is set to "Do not assign roles", the user is not enrolled in the course(s) specified in the program.

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Ref: HCE-7214

August 14, 2023

IPN Messages Sent by PayPal Pro Failed to be Validated in a Timely Manner (Bug Fix)

When a purchase is made for a course using PayPal Pro, the IPN returned by PayPal Pro failed to validate immediately. This means that it could take hours for the process to complete and for the user to be enrolled in the course following their purchase. As part of this software fix, the IPNs are now validated in a more timely manner (as soon as they are received).

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Ref: HCE-7200

July 28, 2023

Compliance Archives are not Always on the Last Day of the Month (Bug Fix)

The archive of the compliance report is scheduled to run on the last day of the month. In some cases (usually when the months had less than 31 days), it would run the next day (e.g. on the 1st day of the month instead). As part of this fix, the compliance report is now always archived on the last day of the month.

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Ref: HCE-7156

July 25, 2023

Quote / Invoice can now Collect the Institution's Name (Improvement)

The learning environment has the capability to automatically generate quotes and invoices when a user purchase courses (and when enabled by the instructor for the course). When a user generates a quote / invoice, they can pay by cheque or EFT (electronic funds transfer). As part of this improvement, the user purchasing the course can now specify which organization they are representing. When specified by the user, the organization is displayed on the quote / invoice.

Ref: HCE-7150

July 21, 2023

The "General" Section in a Course Keeps Showing Even when Empty (Improvement)

A course always has a "General" section at the top, which is generally used to display a welcome message or instructions. When that section is empty, it would display a "General" header but no content. As part of this improvement, the "General" header / section is no longer displayed to learners if it is empty.

Ref: HCE-7102

July 19, 2023

Viewing the Changes to Individual Users During User Uploads (New Feature)

When uploading users using a CSV file, whether it was done manually or via an automated / scheduled job, you can now view what change(s) occurred for each individual user by looking at a column called "Other" in the results.

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Ref: HCE-7122

July 19, 2023

Cost and Discount Cost Removed from Face-to-face Settings (Improvement)

The Face-to-face session would allow an instructor to specify a "cost" as well as a "discount cost". These costs could then be included in a notification sent to learners. These cost however were simply meta data and the actual cost being charged to the learner was set in the enrollment method, not in the face-to-face session. So if the instructor entered the wrong cost in the face-to-face session, the user purchasing the course would get a notification that contained a cost different than what they were actually charged on their credit card. As part of this improvement, the "cost" and "discount cost" options previously available in the face-to-face sessions were removed.

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Ref: HCE-7126

July 12, 2023

Duplicate Attendance Upload Tasks Appear to be Stuck (Bug Fix)

If a user tries to upload attendance records and accidentally clicks on the "Upload Records" button twice, the task appears to be stuck and will never complete. As part of this fix, clicking on the "Upload records" button twice in a row and trying to resubmit the exact same file will display an error message to the administrator immediately, thereby preventing duplicate tasks.

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Ref: HCE-6959

July 6, 2023

Associated Fields Can No Longer Reference Social Fields (Improvement)

Now that the ICQ Number, MSN ID, AIM ID, Yahoo ID, Skype ID, and Web page user profile fields are all "social" custom user fields, there is no need to link the "associated input" field to them. As part of this improvement, the "associated input" field can no longer be mapped to "social" fields.

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Ref: HCE-7060

July 6, 2023

History Table for Uploading Sessions and Attendance is Improperly Formatted  (Bug Fix)

The table that allows you to view the history for sessions and attendance that were uploaded was improperly formatted. As part of this fix, the solution is now properly formatted as expected. 

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Ref: HCE-6958

June 28, 2023

Body of the Email for the Receipt Contains Instructions (Improvement)

When a user purchases a course on behalf of others users, they receive an email that contains a sales receipt in PDF format. As part of this improvement, the body of that email now contains instructions on how they can share this course with others. The instructions contains the enrolment link as well as their license key. 

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Ref: HCE-7033

June 27, 2023

Support for Site Licenses When Selling Courses (New Feature)

When selling courses to other organizations, you are now able to specify tiered site license pricing based on the size of the organization. For example, if a user from another organization's learning environment powered by Dual Code and licensed for up to 10,000 users purchases your course, you can now offer that course to everyone within that organization (up to a maximum of 10,000 enrolments) for a flat rate. This functionality only works when users purchase your course through a "Partner" site (in a multi-site deployment) or the OCI Marketplace.  This includes healthcare organizations who subscribe to a learning environment powered by Dual Code as well as organizations who access your course via My Dual Code, a free learning environment available to all healthcare workers regardless of whether or not they have an agreement in place with Dual Code. Site licenses are not available to users who have an account created directly on your site, whether you created an account on their behalf or had them self-register.

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Ref: HCE-6981

June 27, 2023

Dollar Values are Removed from the Cancellation / Refund Policy in Receipts  (Bug Fix)

If a cancellation or refund policy included a dollar value using a $ sign, the dollar value itself was not displayed on the PDF receipt. For example, if the policy says "an administrative fund of $5 will be retained when requesting a refund", the receipt would simply display "an administrative fund of will be retained when requesting a refund" would be omitted from the receipt. As part of this bug fix, the dollar value is now printed on the receipt as expected.

Learn more here:

Ref: HCE-7034

June 26, 2023

Disable Duplicate Course Completion Notifications (Improvement)

When a learner completes a course, as long as the course is configured to email a certificate of completion, the user will receive the email accordingly. A second / separate email was also sent to the user however informing them that they have completed the course. As part of this improvement, the 2nd email is disabled. Users now only get one (1) email when they complete the course, and only if the course is configured to send a certificate of completion.

Learn more here:

Ref: HCE-6945

June 22, 2023

Moodle 4.1.4 Update (Moodle Update)

As part of our general development cycle, the HCE, which is based on Moodle, the world's most popular open-source LMS, has been upgraded to Moodle 4.1.4. 

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Ref: HCE-6911
