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There are 3 ways to register users to programsin programs

  1. Manual Procedure: Manually registering users in the program

  2. Conditions /


  1. Rules Procedure: By defining


  1. assignment rules in the program itself


  1. User Upload: Via the user upload procedure (for System Administrators only)





When you set conditions rules, users will automatically be added and/or removed from programs based on your rules. 

Prior to version 3.5, the only condition that was available was based on the user's profile. When you defined a user profile condition, users had to meet ALL of the conditions or ANY condition that you set in the program. For example, an administrator could set the following rule:

  • Example 1: The user must be in the Anaesthetics department OR Cardiology department
  • Example 2: The user must be in the Anaesthetics department AND a Nurse

While these rules covered many use cases, an administrator could not set condition sets as per the following

  • Example 3: The user must be in the Anaesthetics department OR Cardiology department AND a Nurse

New in 3.5: Condition Sets


Manual Procedure

You can manually select users and add them to a program. To add or remove a user manually to/from a program:

  1. Go to Site Administration > Programs

  2. Click on the "Assign users" icon next to the program in question

  3. Add or remove users by selecting them in one of the boxes and clicking on the Add or Remove button

Note that the change is effective immediately as there is no save button on this page.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you add a user to a program using this manual procedure AND also set conditions / rules (as per the procedure that will be explained next in this article), the conditions / rules will not apply to this manually added user(s). In other words, if the program is meant for people with the role of "Nurses" and you manually add a "Physician", the Physician will remain in the program regardless of what the conditions say. Think of this as your ability to "override" the conditions.  However, you can not manually remove a user that was added by a condition.


Conditions / Rules Procedure

Instead of manually selecting users, you can define condition on a program. Once the conditions are defined, users will automatically be added and/or removed from programs based on your rules (with the exceptions of "overrides" as per the "Important Note" in the "Manual Procedure" section of this article). 

To set or modify the assignment conditions for a program:

  1. Go to Site Administration


  1. > Programs


  1. Click on the "


  1. Assign users" icon next to the program in question


  1. Click on the "


  1. Assignment rules" tab

  2. Enable the "Automatically assign" and/or "Automatically unassign" checkboxes

    1. As a general rule, these two checkboxes should always be enabled but there might be times when you want people to remain registered in a program even if they no longer meet the rules.

  3. Select one of the options in the modal window:

    1. User profile: This option allows you to set conditions based on a field define in a user's profile, such as their department or job function


    1. .

    2. Cohort: This option allows you to set conditions based on a pre-existing cohort. You can learn more about cohort in the Adding a Cohort article.

    3. Condition set: This option allows you to create a "set" of conditions, thereby combining different rules suing ALL and ANY conditions within one program


    1. .

  1. Set the condition(s) in question


  1. by repeat


  1. step 5 until all of your conditions are specified.

  2. Click on the "Save changes" button at the bottom of the page

Note that IMPORTANT NOTE: When using conditions, it might take a few minutes for the users to be added or removed from the program. This is particularly true if you have a large user base that meet the conditions.

Image Removed


If you add a user to a program manually, then the conditions no longer apply to this user. In other words, even if the user no longer matches the conditions of the program, that user will remain a member of the program. However, if you manually remove a user from a program, he/she will be added back automatically if the user's profile meets the business rules.

To add or remove a user manually to/from a program:

  1. Go to Site Administration > Courses > Programs > Add/edit programs
  2. Click on the "Assign users" icon next to the program in question
  3. Add or remove users by selecting them in one of the boxes and clicking on the Add or Remove button

Note that the change is effective immediately and there is no need to click on a save button on this page.10,000+ users in your system.

In the screenshot below, the system would automatically assign all users with the role of "Nurse" who work in the "ER" department.


User Upload

System Administrators can also manage program assignments by uploading CSV files to the system. Please see the "Uploading Users" documentation to learn more. Keep in mind that the program conditions override the user upload. So if you plan on using the user upload procedure to add users to a program, it is best not to enable the conditions for that specific program. Anchor35823582


titleNew in

when a user is added using the "User upload" procedure, the "override" rules listed earlier still apply. In other words,the conditions / rules will not unassign a user from a program if they were added using the User Upload procedure.

Important Notes

  • When users are registered in programs,


  • an email is automatically sent to them


  • unless the "User is registered in the program" notification is disabled

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