Adding a Competency Framework

Adding a Competency Framework

A framework is essentially a category or bundle of competencies that are related.

Step-by-step Guide

To add a competency framework:

  1. Go to Performance Appraisal System > Define competencies

  2. Click on the "Add new competency framework" button.

  3. Fill out the form. 

    1. The Name, ID Number and Scale are both mandatory and important.

    2. Make sure you set the Name and ID Number to something memorable as you will need to reference it later on when building appraisal forms.

    3. Make sure to select the "Performance Appraisal" scale, or a custom scale that you developed

  4. Click on the "Configure scales" button

  5. Identify the "Default" and "Proficient" values in the scale and click on the "Close" button.

  6. Click on the "Save changes" button at the bottom of the screen

Once the framework is done, you can now add individual competencies.



Important Notes

  • A scale must exist before you can add a competency framework. If you have not already done so, go ahead and define one or more scales.

  • If you receive a message that says "The scale needs to be configured by selecting default and proficient items.", it's because you skipped steps 4 & 5 above.

  • You cannot delete a competency framework if it has competencies. You must first delete every single competency if you want to delete the framework.

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