Finding my Appraisal Draft

Finding my Appraisal Draft


As a supervisor, you may have started filling out an appraisal for an employee and saved it as a draft. But when you return to the Performance Appraisal System (PAS) at later time, it's possible that you no longer have access to your draft.


It is possible for an employee to have 2 or more supervisors in the system. Nevertheless, the PAS only allows one (1) supervisor to appraise an employee. If you started an appraisal for an employee, saved it as a draft, and later on when you went to update the appraisal, the "Fill out appraisal" button is greyed out, the most likely scenario is that another supervisor filled it out and submitted it already.

You can usually confirm this by looking at the "Appraiser(s)" column in the "Manage Appraisals" page. If your name is no longer listed as an appraiser yet you still see the employee in your list, this is the most likely scenario. Once the appraisal is locked, you'll be able to review what the other appraiser entered.

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