Notifying Supervisors when a Learners Signs up for a Session

Notifying Supervisors when a Learners Signs up for a Session

The learning environment allows you to enable an approval process such that a learner's supervisor must approve their request to attend a face-to-face session. This is covered in the Requiring a Supervisor's Approval article. That being said, there may be times when an approval process is not required, but supervisors still want to be notified when their staff register for a face-to-face session.

Step-by-step Guide

To notify a supervisor that one of their staff has registered for a face-to-face session:

  1. Go to the face-to-face activity in question

  2. In the Administration block, click on Face-to-face Administration > Edit settings

  3. In the "Notifications" section, enable the "Session booking confirmation" for the "Supervisor" recipient

    1. You may customize the message if you want by clicking on the cogwheel next to the message in question. Otherwise, the system's default message will be sent.

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