Approving Learners in Face-to-Face Sessions

Approving Learners in Face-to-Face Sessions

Healthcare organizations may require that their learners receive permission to attend face-to-face sessions. This could be useful for example if a supervisor must make sure that the missing learner's duties are covered by someone. The steps required to enable this feature are covered in the Requiring a Supervisor's Approval article. This article focuses on how a Supervisor (or other administrator) can approve (or decline) the request.

Step-by-step Guide

To approve (or decline) a user's request to attend a sessions:

  1. Go to the face-to-face activity in question

  2. Click on the "Attendees" link next to the session in question

  3. Select the "Approve" or "Decline" option next to the user(s) in question

  4. Click on the "Update requests" button at the bottom of the page

Important Notes

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