HTML and "lang" tagging
{-} : Is substituted for , a soft hyphen that only appears when needed.
{nbsp} : Is substituted for a non-breaking space when displayed.
{hr} : Horizontal rule.
{details}{summary}{/summary}{/details} : An easy way to create an HTML 5 Details/Summary expandable section in your page. IMPORTANT: {details}{summary}{/summary} must all be on one line (it is ok if the line wraps). The rest of the details can be on multiple lines followed by the {/details}. This is an experimental feature that may result in invalid HTML but it works. You can optionally add a CSS class name to the opening details tag. Example: {details faq-class}
Back to section / Back to course button
Help students navigate your site by implementing this handy-dandy BACK button. Works at both the section and activity level.
<p style="float:right;"><a href="{wwwroot}/course/view.php?id={courseid}&section={sectionid}" class="btn btn-outline" style="font-size:14px;">Go Back</a></p>
If you are in a section and want to go directly back to the main course outline but scroll down to the current section, try this:
<p style="float:right;"><a href="{wwwroot}/course/view.php?id={courseid}#section-{sectionid}" class="btn btn-outline" style="font-size:14px;">Back to course outline</a></p>
Troubleshooting Tips
The only comparison operators currently supported are 'is', 'not', 'contains' and 'in'.
The "value" must always be enclosed in quotes. Use an empty set of quotes to compare the value to an empty field.
The shortname can be any visible custom profile fields, unless the Smart Tag ifprofilefiedonlyvisible setting is unchecked, as well as the core profile fields including:
Important: The specified value must be the value that is stored in the database, which may be different than what is displayed when you view a user profile. Here are some examples:
You must specify CA for the country of Canada, not Canada, when comparing to the country field.
If your profile field contains a multi-language string, you need to specify the string as it is before it is processed by language filters.
For dropdown fields, you may need to view the HTML code to see what the actual values are for a field.
For checkboxes, the checked value is 1, unchecked is 0.
Reminder: When logged out, user profile fields do not exist. Therefore, "not" will always evaluate to true and "is", "contains" and "in" will evaluate to false.