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Many hospitals and healthcare organizations that implement the Dual Code learning environment need to migrate learning records from their legacy LMS or in some cases, from spreadsheets that they've manually managed. The learning records can easily be imported into the Dual Code learning environment by uploading a CSV (comma separated value) file.

Step-by-step Guide

To upload learning records:

  1. Create a CSV (see Creating a CSV File for Importing Learning Records for more details)
  2. Go to Site Administration > Courses > Upload learning records
  3. Either drag and drop the CSV file or click the 'Choose a file' button and select the file in the file picker

  4. Select appropriate import options carefully, then click the preview button.

  5. If you are happy with the results of the preview, you can proceed by clicking on the "Upload Learning Records" button. Otherwise, you may click on the "Cancel" button and adjust your CSV file accordingly.

Sample File

The text file to upload learning records must be a CSV file. Here is an example of a simple valid upload file:



  1. .



Please note that the "expires" column is available as of version and required as of version This column was not available in earlier version. If a learning record never expires, the value can be left empty. If it does expire, the value must be a valid date/time. See the Assumptions section below for more details on the date/time format.


There are a few rules that need to be respected in order for the data migration to work:

  • By default, the encoding of the CSV file must be in UTF-8. The import wizard allows you to specify a different encoding scheme but we recommend that you use the UTF-8 encoding, especially if you are using French or international characters
  • The first row in the CSV file must contain the name of the columns to be imported, These are:
    • actor
    • verb
    • object
    • timestamp
    • expires
    • finalgrade


It's important to


  • 2016-06-27 is the date in YYYY-MM-DD format (based on the Gregorian calendar)
  • (optional) 15:19:21 is the time in hh:mm:ss format (based on the 24-hour clock system). If you omit the time, the system will log the time as 12:00 AM.  If including optional time you MUST include a time offset from UTC. 
  • (optional) +00:00 is the time offset from the UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). For example, an organization located in Ottawa or Toronto would write -04:00. If you omit the the timezone, the system will use the system's default timezone.
  • New in Alternatively, because Microsoft Excel automatically converts dates from YYYY-MM-DD to MM/DD/YYYY, you can now specify your dates in the MM/DD/YYYY format, if and only if you do not need to specify the time of the learning record. If you need to specify the time / timezone of the learning records when importing them, you need to continue to use the ISO 8601 format described above.


New in understand that the user accounts and courses must exist prior to importing the learning records. If you need to import users or courses, please read Uploading Users and Importing Course Shells first.

Voiding Learning Records

You can void learning records in bulk by adding following the procedure above if you have added a "voided" column with a value of "1" to the your CSV file above. In addition, you can un-void learning records by adding a "voided" column with a value of 0.  More details can be found in the Creating a CSV File for Importing Learning Records article.

When voiding / unvoiding learning records, ensure you select 'Update the void status only' for the 'Upload mode' on the upload screen

While it is possible to generate your file by hand, we recommend that you go to the Learning Records (System Level) report, find the records you want to void, and export them in a CSV file. Then, simply add the "voided" column to that exact same spreadsheet with a value of 1 for each record, and re-upload it as per the steps above.

(info) When uploading LRS voids, ensure you select 'Update the void status only' for the 'Upload mode' on the upload screen. 

Sample File

The text file to void learning records must be a CSV file. Here is an example of a simple valid upload file:



Please note the full UTC timestamp is required for voiding LRS records. 


Please note that if you want to void all learning records for a single course, we recommend following this procedure, which is much easier.