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The following smart tags can be used in the context of a course.

  • {coursename} : Display the full name of the current course or the site name if not in a course.

  • {coursename ID} : Display the full name of the course specified by the course ID.

  • {courseshortname} : Display the short name of the current course or the site's short name if not in a course.

  • {coursestartdate dateTimeFormat ID} : Course start date. Both the dateTimeFormat and the course ID are optional.

  • {courseenddate dateTimeFormat} : Course end date. Will display "Open event" if there is no end date. {courseenrolmentdate dateTimeFormat} : Date and time at which the user was enrolled in the current course.

  • {coursecompletiondate dateTimeFormat} : Course completion date. If not completed, will display "Not completed". Will also detect if completion is not enabled.

  • {coursegradepercent}: Displays the current accumulated course grade of the student without percentage symbol.

  • {coursegrade} : Displays the student's current overall course grade with the percentage symbol.

  • {courseprogress} : Displays course progress status in words.

  • {courseprogressbar}: Displays course progress status as a status bar.

  • {coursesummary} : Display the course summary. If placed on a site page, displays the site summary.

  • {coursesummary ID} : Display the course summary of the course with the specified course ID number.

  • {courseimage} : Display's the course image.

  • {courseimage-url} : Display's the URL of the course image. Useful if you want to use it as a background image.

  • {courseid} or %7Bcourseid%7D : Display a course's ID within a course and on the course enrolment page. Set to site ID (1) if outside a course.

  • {coursecontextid} or %7Bcoursecontextid%7D : Display a course's context ID.

  • {coursemoduleid} or %7Bcoursemoduleid%7D : Display a course's activity module ID (activity id) - for use in URLs. Only for use in course activity modules.

  • {courseidnumber} : Display a course's ID number.

  • {sectionid} or %7Bsectionid%7D : Display the section ID (not to be confused with the section number).

  • {sectionname} : Display the section name in which the activity is located.

  • {coursecontacts}: List of course contacts with links to their profiles, email address or messaging or phone number, and their user description (there are settings for these).

  • {mygroups}: Displays a list of groups to which you are a member.

  • {mygroupings}: Displays a list of groupings to which you are a member.

  • No labels