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Dual Code is committed to continuously improving the HCE and regularly implementing new features with each release. You'll find below our latest release notes.

October 20, 2022

Empty Notification Email is Being Sent to Learners (Improvement)

The learning environment may send notifications to learners when they are registered in a program and/or if some mandatory courses require their attention. If the System Administrator attempts to customize the message in question but leaves it empty (for example, by simply entering HTML such as <p>&nbsp;</p>, the notification sent to the learner appears to be empty (because <p>&nbsp;</p> is effectively a blank space character when rendering by an email viewing application). As part of this improvement, the learning environment now tries to determine whether or not the message would appear as empty to the recipient and if so, sends the system-default message instead of the erroneous custom message.

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Ref: HCE-6051

October 3, 2022

Removal of Duplicate Compliance Snapshots (Improvement)

On some older systems, the compliance snapshots (a.k.a. archives) were sometimes duplicated as a result of a software defect. The issue was resolved a while back, but the duplicate snapshots were never removed. As part of this software fix, the duplicate snapshots were removed to ensure only 1 copy is visible.

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Ref: HCE-5493

October 2, 2022

Improved Layout of the Course Enrollment Page (Improvement)

The course enrollment page now has an improved layout. The course description, which used to only take 50% of the page's width and be right aligned, now takes up the entire width of the page. Note that as always, this page is only visible when self-enrolment is enabled and the user is not yet enrolled in the course.

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Ref: HCE-4864

October 2, 2022

Compliance Overview Block on the Dashboard Becomes a To Do List (Improvement)

The "Compliance Overview" block usually displayed on the dashboard is now in a To Do list format and only shows mandatory courses that require the learner's attention. Users can access their full Compliance Overview, including the list of completed mandatory courses, by clicking on the "View Full Report" button in the block. The complete list of courses continues to be available from the dashboard via the "Course Overview" block located immediately below the "Compliance Overview" block.

(Administrators who prefer the older layout can revert this improvement by following this procedure. Also, if your default dashboard does not current display the "Course Overview" block, you can add it by following this procedure.)

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Ref: HCE-5987

September 29, 2022

Hiding Enrollment Methods when "Allow New Enrollments" is Set to "No" (Improvement)

Certain self enrollment plugins have a setting labelled "Allow new enrollments". When that setting is set to "No", existing users who have already enrolled in the course can continue to take the course, but new users cannot self-enrol in the course using this enrolment method. However, the enrollment page still displayed the enrollment method with a message stating "Enrolment is disabled or inactive". As part of this improvement, if "Allow new enrollments" is set to "No", the enrolment method will simply not appear on the enrolment page.

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Ref: HCE-5986

September 29, 2022

Voiding of Invalid Learning Records (Bug Fix)

An issue introduced in allowed users under certain circumstances to receive learning records without having completed the course. The circumstances were very rare and the majority of the systems were not impacted. This issue was resolved in as part of HCE-5023 documented in the release notes at the time. Unfortunately, some of invalid learning records that were generated between and remained on the system even after a update. (In other words, while no new invalid learning records were being generated after, existing invalid learning records were never voided.) As part of this software fix, the system will automatically void learning records issued as a result of the original problem when clients upgrade to 

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Ref: HCE-5984

September 29, 2022

Instructors are Unable to See the List of Enrolled Users (Bug Fix)

On certain systems and under certain circumstances, the Instructors (a.k.a. Teachers and Non-editing Teachers) were unable to see the list of participants enrolled in the course they were teaching. As a result of this software fix, the permissions for these roles were adjusted to ensure that they can see all participants in the course they teach. 

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Ref: HCE-6006

September 28, 2022

Downloading the SCORM Interactions Report Fails (Bug Fix)

When downloading the SCORM "Interactions" report, a failure would be displayed to the instructor or administrator. As a result of this software fix, the report now downloads properly. 

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Ref: HCE-6021

September 22, 2022

Moodle 3.9.17 Update (Moodle Update)

As part of our general development cycle, the HCE, which is based on Moodle, the world's most popular open-source LMS, has been upgraded to Moodle 3.9.17. 

Learn more here:

Ref: HCE-5976

The changes below from our previous release are automatically included in this release.

September 22, 2022

Resetting the Training Calendar (Improvement)

Site Administrators have the ability to customize their training calendar (a block that can appear on their home page). Once customized, the calendar displays due dates for courses that vary from the dates actually set in individual courses. This means that if an Instructor or System Administrator modifies the expiration dates for their course, those changes will not be reflected for the site who customized their calendar. As part of this improvement, Site Administrators can now reset their own training calendar.  

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Ref: HCE-3986

September 22, 2022

Permission Changes for Site Administrators (Improvement)

Permission changes were made for Site Administrators (e.g. administrators that manage a single site within a multi-site deployment). Reports that were not deemed multi-site friendly (e.g. that showed information across multiple sites) were disabled for Site Administrators and reports that are multi-site friendly were enabled. (The reports disabled were only disabled for Site Administrators and remain available for System Administrators who have the ability to view data across all sites.)  

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Ref: HCE-5815

September 22, 2022

Permission Changes for System Administrators (Improvement)

Two important permission changes were made for System Administrators. First, for multi-site, System Administrators now have the ability to upload users without specifying a site. While selecting a site is still the recommended approach, if a System Administrator doesn't select a site, they can add users from multiple sites in one (1) CSV file. Second, System Administrators no longer have the permission to override roles for certain context. The ability to override roles caused in some cases security / privacy issues when certain permissions were overwritten. Dual Code felt this change was necessary in order to safeguard customer data maintained on our servers and to protect the system against unauthorized use or tampering. 

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Ref: HCE-5815

September 21, 2022

Face-to-face Sessions with Multiple Dates do Not Always Send Confirmation Email for Both Dates to User (Bug Fix)

Under certain circumstances, when a user would register for a face-to-face session that contains multiple dates, the system would only send them the confirmation email for the first date. As part of this software fix, improvements were made to ensure all dates are confirmed via email.

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Ref: HCE-5129

September 21, 2022

Layout Changes in Certificates of Completion (Improvement)

When designing a certificate of completion, numerous sections have a "Show more..." hyperlink in between fields. As part of this improvement, the "Show more..." has been moved to the bottom of each section to make it easier for administrators to find. At the same time, the "From" setting, which allowed you to enter a name for the "From" email, has been deprecated. This field was non-functional.

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Ref: HCE-5949

September 21, 2022

Sorting Issues when Two Users in the System have the Same Full Name (Bug Fix)

When sorting by first name, in the event that the last user on a page and the first user on the next page have the same first name, it is possible for the query to return the same user on both pages, and the other user on neither page. As part of this software fix, the user's key (e.g. their "ID" in the database) was added as a secondary sort value, ensuring that when 2 people have the same name, the system will display the user with the lowest ID on the first page and the other one on the next page.

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Ref: HCE-5946

September 21, 2022

Trying to Remove the Programs Restrictions on a Course is Failing (Bug Fix)

When the learning environment is deployed as a multi-site, an administrator can set restrictions on a course so that they can only be used in certain programs (for certain sites). Trying to remove the restrictions by selecting the value of "None" still prevents the site from being added to other programs. As part of this software fix, the logic to find the list of filtered sites now considers a value of "None".

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Ref: HCE-5945

September 20, 2022

Viewing My Courses and Last Access (Improvement)

As part of HCE 3.9.15, some of the user's profile information was hidden from certain administrators and instructors for privacy reasons and only visible to administrators that had the ability to view hidden user information. As part of this release, "My Courses" and "Last Access" have been re-enabled.  When viewed by system-level administrators, "Last Access" shows when the user last logged in the system. When viewed by instructors and other users in the context of a course, "Last Access" shows when the user last accessed the course.

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Ref: HCE-5969

September 19, 2022

Preventing New Enrolments in Paypal Pro (Improvement)

The PayPal Pro enrollment method, which is a method used when selling courses, has a new setting called "Allow new enrolments". While this setting is generally set to "Yes", it can be set to "No" if you want to allow existing enrollments to continue to work while blocking new enrollments. In other words, when disabled, users who already enrolled in the course using PayPal Pro will continue to have access to the course, but no one else will be able to enrol in the course using this method. This setting is useful when an organization wants to deprecate an enrolment method in favour of a new one without blocking access to learners who already paid for the course.

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Ref: HCE-5972

September 19, 2022

Grade Stored in the Learning Record for a Checklist Activity is Off by One (Bug Fix)

When a Checklist activity is completed, the grade stored in the learning record is off by one. For example, if a checklist has 10 items and the user tickets all 10 boxes, their grade would be 9 out of 10 instead of 10 out of 10. The gradebook however would correctly identify the grade as being 10 out of 10. As part of this software fix, the learning environment now sets the correct grade in the learning record. 

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Ref: HCE-5764

September 19, 2022

Saving Face-to-face Activity Requires Unlocking Activity Completion Settings (Bug Fix)

When an instructor tries to save changes to a face-to-face activity, the system generates an error saying that it can't save the settings because the activity completion criteria were invalid. The criteria were indeed valid, but because they were locked and greyed out, they resolved as disabled. As part of this software fix, the system now skips the validation of the activity completion criteria for a face-to-face activity when the are locked. 

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Ref: HCE-5896

September 14, 2022

Selecting Font and Background Colors in the Editor (Improvement)

The default editor in the learning environment (Atto Editor) now allows you to select specifies colors for the background and font. The color selection includes white, red, yellow, green, blue and black. Note that as part of this improvements, the placement of some of the icons in the editor had to be modified.

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Ref: HCE-5944

September 9, 2022

Resetting Multiple Passwords at Once Sends an Misleading Message to Users (Improvement)

When an administrator resets the passwords for multiple users at the same time using "Bulk User Actions", the email message sent to learners suggested that a new account had been created for them. As part of this improvement, the system now clearly states that their password was simply reset and includes the randomly generated password. 

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Ref: HCE-5774

September 2, 2022

Course Fees Containing Commas May Result in Wrong Fee Being Charged (Bug Fix)

If the fee for a course entered by an instructor contains commas, some Payment Card Providers (PCP) do not interpret it correctly. For example, a fee of $1,200 interpreted may be interpreted as $1.20. As part of the software fix, all enrollment fees are now standardized (without any commas) before they are being passed to the PCP.

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Ref: HCE-5914

September 2, 2022

Resizing the Logos in the OCI Library (Improvement)

The OCI Library, which lists the OCI courses a user is enrolled in, didn't properly render the logos of organizations that were offering the course. The logos were often stretched and not completely visible. As part of the improvements, the logos are not automatically resized.

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Ref: HCE-5655

August 31, 2022

Finding Users in the Enrollment Search Tool Would Result in Error when List is Extremely Long (Bug Fix)

When trying to manually enrol users in a course, if the list of users is extremely long (tens of thousands of users), the search tool would return an "undefined" error. As part of this software fix, the query behind the search tool was refactored to improve its performance.

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Ref: HCE-5903

August 28, 2022

Moodle 3.9.16 Update (Moodle Update)

As part of our general development cycle, the HCE, which is based on Moodle, the world's most popular open-source LMS, has been upgraded to Moodle 3.9.16. 

Learn more here:

Ref: HCE-5854

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