Getting Started

Getting Started

Welcome to the HCE, an enterprise-grade implementation of Moodle®, the world’s most popular open-source learning management system, enhanced by Dual Code™ to meet the needs of the healthcare sector.

Dual Code’s learning environment is feature-rich and extremely powerful in the right hands. In today’s environment however, most people can’t afford to take weeks or months from their busy work schedule to learn about a new product. Dual Code understands this reality, which is why we created various tools and resources to help you acquire the knowledge you need in as little time as possible.

Our documentation contains numerous sections, including user guides, a knowledge base, an area dedicated to the Open Collaboration Initiative (or OCI for short), as well as documentation related to integration and premium services. Combined with our other tools such as our Training Centre and our Technical Support site, we feel confident that you’ll be on your way to mastering the product in no time.

Please take 3 minutes to read the “What is Moodle” and “What is the HCE” articles to better understand what Dual Code’s learning environment is all about. Once you are done, jump to the “Where do I start” page for guidance on how to make the most of your time to master the HCE.


Luc Richard

President & CEO
Dual Code Inc.

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