What's New
Luc Richard
Mathieu Le Francois
Frederick Harju
Dual Code is committed to continuously improving the HCE and regularly implementing new features with each release. This page shows our release notes, organized by version.
Activity Restriction by User (New Feature)
Administrators and instructors can now restrict access to specific activities or sections by individual users. Unlike the existing restriction based on profile fields, this feature allows you to selectively grant or limit access by choosing from the list of enrolled users, offering greater flexibility and control over course content visibility.
Learn more here: Restricting Access
February 25, 2025 ♦ v4.1.15.5 ♦ HCE-9114
Smart Tags for Dynamic Content Customization (New Feature)
The Smart Tags feature allows administrators to easily personalize and enhance courses, pages, and blocks by inserting plain text tags that automatically populate with relevant information when viewed by a user. With over 100 tags available, administrators can dynamically display user profile fields, system details, course and category information (including visually appealing course cards), URL parameters, and interface elements. This feature streamlines content customization, making it effortless to create dynamic and context-aware learning experiences.
Learn more here: Smart Tags
February 18, 2025 ♦ v4.1.15.4 ♦ HCE-9090
SCORM Completion Incorrectly Awarded Despite Failing Quiz (Bug Fix)
Previously, when a SCORM module was configured to require only one attempt with a "Passed" status, users were marked as completed even if they answered quiz questions incorrectly. This issue occurred because the system recognized the attempt as complete, preventing users from reattempting the SCORM and marking the course as done - even if they had not successfully passed. To resolve this, learning records will no longer be awarded in such cases. Now, when the system detects a completion status, it will only generate a learning record if the completion state is not "Complete - Failed," ensuring that failed attempts do not count as successful completions.
Learn more here: Troubleshooting SCORM checkmarks
February 18, 2025 ♦ v4.1.15.4 ♦ HCE-9042
Notification for Face-to-face Session Cancellations (Bug Fix)
Previously, when an attendee canceled their session booking, facilitators received a misleading notification stating that their own facilitation had been canceled. This issue arose because the same notification text was used both when a participant withdrew from a session and when a facilitator was removed from teaching a session. To resolve this, the system no longer sends notifications to facilitators when participants cancel their attendance. Since facilitators were not previously notified when participants booked a session, this change aligns with existing notification behavior and avoids confusion.
Learn more here: Customizing the Face-to-face Notifications
February 18, 2025 ♦ v4.1.15.4 ♦ HCE-8857
Restriction on Supervisors Re-Opening their own Performance Appraisals (Bug Fix)
Supervisors can re-open performance reviews for their staff. However, it was noted that they were also allowed them to re-open their own appraisal while it was still unlocked. This fix ensures that appraisers can no longer re-open their own appraisal once it has been submitted to their manager. Only the manager now has the ability to re-open it while it remains unlocked.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PRS/pages/110002737
February 18, 2025 ♦ v4.1.15.4 ♦ HCE-8844
Theme Loading in Multi-Site Environments (Bug Fix)
In a multi-site environment, when users accessed a specific site by appending a suffix to the URL, the system failed to load the site's designated theme, defaulting instead to the system's standard theme. This update ensures that the correct theme is now applied based on the URL entered, providing a consistent user experience across all sites.
February 18, 2025 ♦ v4.1.15.4 ♦ HCE-8241
Improved Appraisal Submission Notifications (Improvement)
This update enhances the notification process for employee appraisals, ensuring improved visibility and collaboration among supervisors. Previously, when an employee submitted an appraisal, only the first assigned supervisor received the notification. With the enhancement, all assigned supervisors will now be notified, keeping everyone involved up to date and aligned. For cases where an appraisal is reopened and resubmitted, the notification process remains the same - only the supervisor who reopened it will be notified. Additionally, supervisors can now enable or disable appraisal alerts as needed, providing greater control over the emails they receive.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PRS/pages/110002737
February 7, 2025 ♦ v4.1.15.4 ♦ HCE-9034
Support for Ordering and Grouping in Programs (New Feature)
Programs now provide administrators with the ability to set a specific order for course completion. When enabled, learners must follow this predefined sequence to progress through the program. Administrators can also organize courses into groups within a program, allowing for flexible configurations. For example, they can design a program where an initial set of courses must be completed in order, followed by a group of courses that learners can complete in any order. This feature is particularly useful for scenarios like employee orientation, ensuring that new hires prioritize essential courses before moving on to less critical ones. Additionally, administrators can apply rules within course groups, such as requiring learners to complete only a subset of the available courses for the program to be considered complete. This is achieved using the “At least X of Y” rule now available in programs.
Learn more here: Adding Courses to a Program
January 31, 2025 ♦ v4.1.15.3 ♦ HCE-8758
Standardization of the Compliance Overview (Improvement)
The Compliance Overview block and report previously differed between systems, with administrators unable to customize their settings. To enhance consistency and improve the report’s usability, the “Duration” and “Last completed” columns have been added to systems that were missing them. Additionally, the “Description” column, which often occupied excessive space and caused users to scroll to view their course lists, has been removed.
Learn more here: Compliance Overview
January 31, 2025 ♦ v4.1.15.3 ♦ HCE-8842
Notifications for Certificates of Completion (Improvement)
When a user completes a course that is configured to issue certificates of completion, a certificate is automatically sent to the user in PDF format via email. Previously, this email was sent directly to the user’s inbox based on their registered email address. With this improvement, the email is now sent through the system’s built-in notification system. This enhancement allows users to opt out of receiving these emails if they prefer not to receive a copy of their certificate via email. Users can always download their certificate at any time from their Learning History. Additionally, the default message has been updated to include a congratulatory note celebrating the user’s achievement.
Learn more here: Issuing Certificates of Completion
January 17, 2025 ♦ v4.1.15.2 ♦ HCE-8881
BigBlueButton 2.7.16 Update (BigBlueButton Update)
As part of our general development cycle, the web conferencing system, which is based on BigBlueButton, has been upgraded to version 2.7.16.
Learn more here: Release Notes for BigBlueButton 2.7.16
December 17, 2024 ♦ v4.1.15.1 ♦ HCE-8913
Employee Feedback Not Stored If User Double Clicks on Buttons (Bug Fix)
In the Performance Appraisal System, when a user saves their feedback and double-clicks the confirmation buttons, there are cases where the feedback is saved on the first click but then overwritten with empty values on the second click. This causes the feedback to appear as if it were deleted. This release resolves this issue..
December 13, 2024 ♦ v4.1.15.1 ♦ HCE-8790
Users Are Not Being Assigned to Appraisals (Bug Fix)
A faulty SQL query was preventing assignment rules from being processed when users were assigned to multiple appraisals simultaneously. This issue has now been fixed, and assignment rules are functioning correctly. Note that the problem only affected the assignment process, not the unassignment of users.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PRS/pages/110002619
December 13, 2024 ♦ v4.1.15.1 ♦ HCE-8858
Invalid “Days to complete” in Performance Appraisal System Can Lead to Errors (Bug Fix)
When the “Days to complete” in the Performance Appraisal System is set to an invalid value, like -1, the system generates an error and the administrator is no longer able to view appraisals. As part of this fix, the field is now being validated to ensure only integers can be entered.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PRS/pages/110002619
December 13, 2024 ♦ v4.1.15.1 ♦ HCE-8848
Moodle Plugin Updates (Moodle Update)
As part of our general development cycle, numerous 3rd party plugins available from the Moodle marketplace were updated. These include: availability_role, block_checklist, mod_checklist, mod_hvp, mod_publication, mod_zoom, report_coursesize.
Learn more here: Moodle Plugins
December 13, 2024 ♦ v4.1.15.1
Moodle 4.1.15 Update (Moodle Update)
As part of our general development cycle, the HCE, which is based on Moodle, the world's most popular open-source LMS, has been upgraded to Moodle 4.1.15.
Learn more here: Release Notes for Moodle 4.1.15
December 13, 2024 ♦ v4.1.15.1 ♦ HCE-8867
Course License Renewal Notifications (New Feature)
This release adds course license renewal notifications, offering users reminders and renewal links for licenses nearing expiration or already expired. Notifications are sent via email and the system's built-in web notifications every Monday, as needed. There are 5 reminders: 60, 15, and 7 days before expiration, on the expiration date, and 7 days after. Please note that individual license purchases for personal use will not trigger notifications. This feature is intended for administrators who purchase courses for others. Administrators can toggle notifications on or off via a link clearly displayed in the email footer..
Learn more here: Selling a Course
November 28, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.5 ♦ HCE-8054
License Renewals for Instructor-led Courses (Bug Fix)
In certain situations, users attempting to renew their license for a course with instructor-led sessions would encounter an issue where they were registered for the session but unable to access the rest of the course. As part of this improvement, changes have been made to the license renewal process, ensuring users gain full access to the entire course.
Learn more here: Selling a Course
November 28, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.5 ♦ HCE-8658
Non-editing Instructor Can’t View SCORM Reports (Improvement)
Users assigned the role of a non-editing instructor in a course can view reports, while those with the Lead Instructor role have the ability to build and edit courses in addition to viewing reports. Previously, basic instructors did not have access to SCORM reports. With this enhancement, the basic instructor role now includes the capability to view SCORM reports..
November 28, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.5 ♦ HCE-8686
Improved Performance for Manager Compliance Summaries (Improvement)
The learning environment can generate and send compliance summary emails to managers (e.g., supervisors), enabling them to quickly view their team’s compliance status directly from their inbox without logging in. Each email includes a direct link to a detailed report showing all users under their supervision. System Administrators can manage the frequency of these emails or disable them entirely through the System Configuration settings.
Previously, in larger organizations, simultaneous access to the detailed report by dozens or even hundreds of managers could cause performance issues. With this update, the detailed report is now loaded from the archives, significantly enhancing performance - by more than tenfold in some cases.
Learn more here: Sending a Monthly Compliance Report to Supervisors
November 26, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.4 ♦ HCE-8753
Enhanced Deletion Controls and Soft Delete Implementation for Appraisals (Improvement)
To address data loss concerns, several improvements were implemented for performance appraisal management. Previously, appraisal deletions lacked confirmation prompts, log entries, and used a hard deletion process that removed records from the database, creating potential data recovery issues. This update introduces confirmation dialogs for appraisal deletions, ensuring users confirm intent, and adds event logging for traceability. Additionally, appraisals are now "soft deleted" - marked as deleted instead of removed from the database - when feedback has been submitted, enabling potential data recovery. This change aligns appraisal deletions with existing program archiving practices, offering more robust data handling and management.
November 13, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.3 ♦ HCE-6247
Comma Handling in “is one of” Conditions for Program and Cohort Assignment Rules (Bug Fix)
An issue was identified in which program or cohort assignment rules using the “is one of” condition and containing comma-separated values did not save correctly. Rather than treating entries like “Manager, Health Team” as a single value, the system split them into separate values (e.g., "Manager" and "Health Team"). This fix updates the system to allow commas in these fields, ensuring entries are saved as intended.
Learn more here: Registering Users in Programs
November 13, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.3 ♦ HCE-8471
Volume Discounts and Thresholds (New Feature)
The “Self enrolment (Advanced)” enrolment method now allows you to define your own volume thresholds and discounts. Organizations that sell courses often establish volume thresholds along with corresponding discounts to encourage bulk purchases. This approach, known as threshold volume discounting, ensures that a discount is only applied once a buyer reaches a designated quantity threshold. For instance, a discounted rate might be offered when an organization buys 100 licenses or more. When configuring these volume thresholds and discounts, sellers have the option to apply the discount as either a percentage reduction (e.g., 10% off) or as a fixed, reduced price per unit (e.g., $10 per license instead of $12). Once a user completes a purchase of licenses, they receive a link or license key. This key can be shared with their team members, allowing them to enroll in the prepaid course seamlessly. This system streamlines access to the course content for larger groups, making it easy for organizations to manage training and education for their teams.
Learn more here: Selling a Course
November 5, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.2 ♦ HCE-7615
Manage Appraisals Page Timing Out (Bug Fix)
The “Manage Appraisals” page sometimes times out for administrators. This is caused by the “Read Access” column, which in some cases take a long time to load. As cache was introduced to speed up the page, eliminating the time out.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PRS/pages/110002619
November 5, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.2 ♦ HCE-8592
BigBlueButton 2.7.15 Update (BigBlueButton Update)
As part of our general development cycle, the web conferencing system, which is based on BigBlueButton, has been upgraded to version 2.7.15.
Learn more here: Release Notes for BigBlueButton 2.7.15
November 5, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.2 ♦ HCE-8731
Restricted Guest Access to Instructor-led Course Registrations (Bug Fix)
An issue was found where guest users (non-authenticated users) could access courses and register for sessions, even when no guest enrollment method was enabled. This was caused by conflicts with course catalogue filters and autologin settings. The issue stemmed from the filter_facetoface code displaying sign-up options for guests when ‘autologinguest’ was active. A fix has been implemented to ensure that guest users cannot enroll in sessions unless they are logged in.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34848480
November 1, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.2 ♦ HCE-8175
Improved Facilitator Notifications and Calendar Event Integration (Improvement)
Previously, facilitators did not receive specific notifications or iCal events for their scheduled sessions, making it difficult to track their teaching schedule and understand calendar conflicts. This has now been resolved with the implementation of three types of facilitator notifications, including .ics file invitations. Facilitators will now receive event invites directly in their calendars and be notified when they are added or removed from a session, or if important details about the session change, like the room or location.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34860886
November 1, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.2 ♦ HCE-8492
Immediate Compliance Status Update for Program Course List Changes (Improvement)
An issue was identified where students who were previously marked as compliant in a program did not update to "Not compliant" when a new course was added, until an overnight task ran. Now, when a course is added to or removed from a program, the compliance status updates immediately. This ensures that students are correctly marked as "Not compliant" or "Compliant" without waiting for an overnight task, providing more accurate and timely program completion status.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Workplace/pages/38666241
November 1, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.2 ♦ HCE-8562
Corrected Course Completion Logic for Mixed Condition Requirements (Bug Fix)
An issue was discovered where users did not receive course completion as expected when the requirements included both "Activity completion" and "Learning record in another course" conditions, even when meeting "any" of the conditions was sufficient. This was due to recertification logic that incorrectly required all activities to be completed, preventing course completion from being awarded. The logic has been revised to ensure users receive course completion when any of the specified conditions are met.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34843940
November 1, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.2 ♦ HCE-8646
Removed Users Reappearing in Sessions (Bug Fix)
An issue was identified where a user removed from a session would reappear after attendance was taken, despite not being re-added manually. This occurred when a session was created in a past month and students were marked as fully attended before removal. The log inaccurately showed a "user graded" event even though the user did not appear to be re-added. This has been resolved so that once a user is removed from a session, taking attendance will no longer add them back, ensuring accurate session management.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34847355
November 1, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.2 ♦ HCE-8638
Enhanced Flexibility in Appraisal Manager Assignment and Removal (Bug Fix)
Supervisors faced an issue where they could assign another supervisor to an appraisal but were unable to unassign them afterward. This update ensures that supervisors who have the capability to assign managers to an appraisal can also unassign them. The solution involved modifying the method that generates the list of supervisors to include all currently assigned managers, allowing proper management of appraisal assignments.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PRS/pages/110002737
November 1, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.2 ♦ HCE-8668
Improved Handling of End-of-Month Course Expirations (Improvement)
When courses are completed on the last day of a month, the expiration date could be incorrect due to variations in the number of days in the current or following month. For instance, a course completed on October 31 with a one-month validity would expire on December 1 instead of the expected November 30. Previously, expiration dates were shifted to the next month when it did not contain the same day. The updated calculation now correctly manages end-of-month completions, ensuring expiration dates align as expected, even when months have different lengths.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34852819
November 1, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.2 ♦ HCE-8700
BigBlueButton 2.7.14 Update (BigBlueButton Update)
As part of our general development cycle, the web conferencing system, which is based on BigBlueButton, has been upgraded to version 2.7.14.
Learn more here: Release Notes for BigBlueButton 2.7.14
Oct 23, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.1 ♦ HCE-8685
Auto-Detect Encoding for User Uploads (New Feature)
Previously, when uploading users, administrators were required to manually select the file encoding (e.g., UTF-8), which could be confusing, as users may not always know their file’s encoding. To simplify this process, we’ve added an "Auto detect" option to the "Encoding" dropdown for the auto upload and manual upload user functions. This option is now the default for new uploads, automatically detecting the correct character encoding without requiring users to choose from a long list of options. If you are using scheduled jobs, please note that you will need to update them to use this new option.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34858248
October 18, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.1 ♦ HCE-8583
Submissions Health Check to Monitor and Resolve Unreviewed Course Activities (New Feature)
A new report has been implemented to help System Administrators efficiently manage high volumes of assignment submissions. This report allows System Administrators to generate a consolidated list of unreviewed or ungraded submissions for both the Assignment and Supporting Documentation activities across all courses. The list includes direct links to each submission, making it easier for System Administrators to review, approve, and grade submissions. The report is accessible through the System Health section (under Site Administration > System Health).
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/154566659
October 18, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.1 ♦ HCE-8357
Mlang Tags Appear in Calendar Invites for F2F Sessions with Microsoft Teams (Bug Fix)
The calendar invite sent to learners who register for a Face-to-Face (F2F) session with a Microsoft Teams activity was displaying unnecessary "mlang" tags, causing confusion in the event details. This issue has been resolved, and calendar invites now display correctly without the tags, ensuring a clean and clear invitation for learners.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/154370098
October 18, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.1 ♦ HCE-8465
Error When Creating F2F Sessions with Long Microsoft Teams Details (Bug Fix)
When setting up a new Face-to-Face (F2F) session using Microsoft Teams as the video conferencing option, a database write exception can occur if the combined length of the Teams meeting details and session location exceeds the allowed limit. This update addresses the issue by modifying how the information is stored in the database.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/154370098
October 18, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.1 ♦ HCE-8621
Moodle Plugin Updates (Moodle Update)
As part of our general development cycle, numerous 3rd party plugins available from the Moodle marketplace were updated. These include: auth_saml2, mod_zoom.
Learn more here: Moodle Plugins
October 18, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.1
Moodle 4.1.14 Update (Moodle Update)
As part of our general development cycle, the HCE, which is based on Moodle, the world's most popular open-source LMS, has been upgraded to Moodle 4.1.14.
Learn more here: Release Notes for Moodle 4.1.14
October 18, 2024 ♦ v4.1.14.1 ♦ HCE-8445
BigBlueButton 2.7.13 Update (BigBlueButton Update)
As part of our general development cycle, the web conferencing system, which is based on BigBlueButton, has been upgraded to version 2.7.13.
Learn more here: Release Notes for BigBlueButton 2.7.13
Oct 11, 2024 ♦ v4.1.12.3 ♦ HCE-8655
Enhancements to AI Question Generator (Improvement)
The AI question generator has been enhanced to provide a more tailored and effective learning experience. It can now automatically calculates the appropriate number of questions based on the length of the provided text, ensuring optimal coverage of the material. The system can also now generate true/false questions in an 80/20 ratio, with approximately 20% being true/false questions and 80% being multiple-choice, creating a balanced assessment approach. Additionally, each question is now accompanied by specific feedback, guiding users through the correct answers and explaining why their selected responses were incorrect. This improvement helps reinforce learning and deepens the user’s understanding of the content.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/137330737
September 19, 2024 ♦ v4.1.12.3 ♦ HCE-8549
Incorrect Certificate Issue Date Due to Race Condition (Bug Fix)
In some cases, in-course certificates of completion were being issued with the completion date from a previous learning record instead of the most recent one, due to a "race condition." This issue occurred when learners with historical course completion records, imported during data migration, completed a course a second time. Upon clicking the simple certificate activity, the certificate displayed the date of their old learning record instead of the new one. As part of this software fix, if the simple certificate activity is set to require a "learning record exists" condition, the system will now wait for the new learning record to be created before issuing the certificate. It is recommended that instructors and administrators use system-level certificates of completion whenever possible for more accurate record-keeping.
Learn more here: Issuing Certificates of Completion
September 19, 2024 ♦ v4.1.12.3 ♦ HCE-8390
System Health Notifications for Important System Checks (Improvement)
A new scheduled task has been introduced to improve "System Health" notifications. When a system health check changes from "OK" to a "Warning" or "Information" status, such as when the system detects incorrect SCORM settings, a notification will be sent to System Administrators. This ensures that administrators are promptly informed of important system health changes. Notifications are sent on the 1st day of the month in the user’s preferred language and are triggered only once when the status changes. These alerts help prevent or resolve potential issues before they escalate.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34854014
September 18, 2024 ♦ v4.1.12.3 ♦ HCE-7784
Enhanced Email Transparency and Unsubscribe Option (Improvement)
The system distinguishes between mandatory notifications, such as those requiring users to complete essential training, and optional ones, like post-course survey requests. To improve compliance with Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) and enhance users' ability to manage their email preferences, a footer will be added to most outgoing emails. This footer will include identification details for both your organization and Dual Code, along with an unsubscribe option for non-mandatory emails. This update does not add or remove notifications from the system, nor does it alter users' ability to opt out of certain emails. It simply provides greater transparency about the email source and makes it easier for users to adjust their notification preferences.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34844096
September 18, 2024 ♦ v4.1.12.3 ♦ HCE-8334
Learner Receives an Email from an Assignment with an Invalid Link (Bug Fix)
When an instructor gives feedback on an assignment, the learner receives an email with a link that previously directed them to a page for entering grades and feedback, which was only accessible to instructors. With this software update, the link now directs learners to a page where they can view the feedback provided to them.
September 15, 2024 ♦ v4.1.12.3 ♦ HCE-8504
Direct Link to a Course Does Not Always Work When the User is Not Already Logged In (Bug Fix)
In certain cases, especially in a multi-site environment, when a user clicks a direct link to a course while not logged in, they are taken to the login page. After logging in, they would encounter an exception error and be redirected to the main site instead of the intended course. With this bug fix, users are now properly redirected to the course after logging in without encountering any exceptions.
September 12, 2024 ♦ v4.1.12.3 ♦ HCE-8331
Appraisal Reassignment and Feedback Management After Supervisor Deletion (Improvement)
When a supervisor completes an employee's appraisal and their account is later deleted (e.g., due to leaving the organization), it can cause visibility and reassignment issues. As part of this improvement, if a supervisor is deleted, their feedback will be marked as deleted unless they had completed and locked the appraisal.
In cases where a different supervisor completed the appraisal, the feedback remains visible, and the new supervisor can take over. If the deleted supervisor completed the appraisal but did not lock it, the status will revert to ‘awaiting supervisor’ feedback. If the appraisal was locked by the deleted supervisor, the feedback remains accessible, with no changes to the appraisal status.
These updates improve the continuity of appraisals when supervisors are reassigned or leave the organization.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PRS/pages/110002619
September 9, 2024 ♦ v4.1.12.3 ♦ HCE-8119
Email Notification for User Removal from In-Progress F2F Sessions (Improvement)
When an administrator removes a user from a face-to-face (F2F) session that is in progress but not yet completed, the system will now send a notification email to the user. Previously, an email was only sent if the user was removed before the session started. With this update, users will be informed of their removal regardless of whether the session has begun, ensuring timely communication and minimizing confusion about their session status. This enhancement helps maintain better transparency and user awareness throughout the session process.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PRS/pages/110002795
September 6, 2024 ♦ v4.1.12.3 ♦ HCE-8404
Supervisor Appraisal Status Summary Notifications (New Feature)
Supervisors will now receive status summary notifications for employee appraisals that are coming due or overdue. System administrators can modify or disable these notifications by adjusting the frequency in the System Configuration settings. By default, the notifications are sent on the 1st of each month. Each summary will provide supervisors with an overview of their assigned appraisals, categorized by form, including the total number of appraisals, those coming due, and those overdue. The notification also includes a link for supervisors to view a filtered list of appraisals that are due or overdue in the Manage Appraisals page.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PRS/pages/110002795
September 3, 2024 ♦ v4.1.12.3 ♦ HCE-8424
Supervisor Access to Overdue Employee Appraisals Without Initial Feedback (New Feature)
Previously, the Performance Appraisal System required supervisors to wait for employees to complete and submit their initial appraisal feedback, which could delay the review process. With this enhancement, supervisors will now see an "overdue" status in the ‘State’ column of the ‘Manage Appraisals’ summary. Additionally, the ‘Fill out appraisal’ icon will be enabled for overdue appraisals. When a supervisor clicks on the icon, they will be notified that the employee has not submitted feedback and asked to confirm whether they want to proceed without it. If they choose to proceed, the appraisal form will open for the supervisor to provide their feedback. The employee’s draft feedback, including competency rankings and comments, will remain private and inaccessible to the supervisor. The employee’s draft will be saved, allowing them to resume their feedback later from where they left off.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PRS/pages/110002737
September 3, 2024 ♦ v4.1.12.3 ♦ HCE-8425
Generating Quiz Questions Using Generative AI (New Feature)
We are excited to introduce a powerful new feature that leverages generative AI to create quiz questions instantly. With this innovative tool, you can generate high-quality, relevant questions in seconds by simply inputting your content. This feature not only saves time but also enhances the quality and variety of questions, making it easier than ever to build engaging and effective quizzes. Whether you're crafting simple knowledge checks or complex assessments, our generative AI ensures that your quizzes are both comprehensive and aligned with your learning objectives.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/137330737
August 31, 2024 ♦ v4.1.12.2 ♦ HCE-7884
Ability to Specify a Preferred Date and Time for the Maintenance Window (New Feature)
System Administrators now have the ability to set the default maintenance window for their system, allowing them to choose the preferred day and time for updates, as well as the amount of notice they would like. Additionally, this new feature enables them to schedule a message to be displayed to all users, informing them of the upcoming maintenance window.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/137363608
August 29, 2024 ♦ v4.1.12.1 ♦ HCE-8230
Deleted Users Show Up in Open Appraisals (Bug Fix)
When managing appraisals, users who have been deleted from the system currently still appear on the list, even if their appraisal status is pending their completion or their manager's. With this software fix, deleted users will no longer appear on the list if the appraisal is still open.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PRS/pages/110002619
August 29, 2024 ♦ v4.1.12.1 ♦ HCE-8370
Notifications when Patches Become Available (Improvement)
The system distinguishes between updates and patches. When an update becomes available, your learning environment is automatically scheduled for to be updated. However, when a patch is released, it is not automatically scheduled. Instead, patches are included in the next update, which will be automatically scheduled when it becomes available. As part of this enhancement, System Administrators now receive a notification when a patch is available. The notification prompts administrators to review the release notes and, if the patch is beneficial, to manually schedule an update to their system. If a patch is immediately applied, it will be automatically included with the next scheduled update.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34852606
August 29, 2024 ♦ v4.1.12.1 ♦ HCE-7571
Rescheduling an Update to the Staging Server Is Now Done Directly from the Staging Server (Improvement)
The learning environment now allows you to reschedule updates more efficiently. Previously, rescheduling updates for both the production server and the staging server had to be done through the production server. With this enhancement, rescheduling updates to the staging server must now be handled directly from the staging server itself.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34852606
August 29, 2024 ♦ v4.1.12.1 ♦ HCE-8028
mlang Tag is Displayed in Column Header (Bug Fix)
When exporting attendance records for a face-to-face activity, the "Video Conferencing" column shows an mlang tag due to the multilingual nature of the field. As part of the software update, the header will now appear in the user's preferred language, and the mlang tag will no longer be displayed.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34862619
August 29, 2024 ♦ v4.1.12.1 ♦ HCE-8372
Moodle Plugin Updates (Moodle Update)
As part of our general development cycle, numerous 3rd party plugins available from the Moodle marketplace were updated. These include: auth_saml2, mod_zoom.
Learn more here: Moodle Plugins
August 29, 2024 ♦ v4.1.12.1
Moodle 4.1.12 Update (Moodle Update)
As part of our general development cycle, the HCE, which is based on Moodle, the world's most popular open-source LMS, has been upgraded to Moodle 4.1.12.
Learn more here: Release Notes for Moodle 4.1.12
August 29, 2024 ♦ v4.1.12.1 ♦ HCE-8445
BigBlueButton 2.7.12 Update (BigBlueButton Update)
As part of our general development cycle, the web conferencing system, which is based on BigBlueButton, has been upgraded to version 2.7.12.
Learn more here: Release Notes for BigBlueButton 2.7.12
August 12, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.7 ♦ HCE-8447
PAS Administrators Cannot Manage Scales (Bug Fix)
According to the Performance Appraisal System (PAS) documentation, PAS Administrators are responsible for defining and managing scales throughout the system. With this software update, PAS Administrators can now perform these tasks as intended. It's important to note that the scales used by the PAS are the same as those utilized by the LMS. Consequently, a user with the PAS Administrator role now has the ability to manage scales across the entire system, including defining new scales and editing existing ones.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PRS/pages/110002240
August 9, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.7 ♦ HCE-7368
Date-Type Custom User Profile Field Displaying Unusual Characters in PAS Report (Bug Fix)
When attempting to display a custom user profile field of the 'Date' type, the Performance Appraisal Completion Details report was rendering the value as '0NaN-NaN-NaN NaN:NaN'. This software fix ensures that the date is now correctly displayed as intended.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PRS/pages/110002795
August 9, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.7 ♦ HCE-7637
BigBlueButton 2.7.11 Update (BigBlueButton Update)
As part of our general development cycle, the web conferencing system, which is based on BigBlueButton, has been upgraded to version 2.7.11.
Learn more here: Release Notes for BigBlueButton 2.7.11
August 6, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.6 ♦ HCE-8428
Compliance Meter is Including Mandatory Courses From Other Sites (Bug Fix)
In a multi-site environment, an administrator managing a single site has been seeing compliance metrics that include courses from other sites. With this software fix, the compliance meter will now only consider courses relevant to the site(s) that the administrator is managing.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34845528
July 18, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.5 ♦ HCE-8186
BigBlueButton 2.7.10 Update (BigBlueButton Update)
As part of our general development cycle, the web conferencing system, which is based on BigBlueButton, has been upgraded to version 2.7.10.
Learn more here: Release Notes for BigBlueButton 2.7.10
July 30, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.5 ♦ HCE-8403
Users Cannot Place Themselves on a Waiting List Without First Enrolling in the Course (Improvement)
When a course includes a face-to-face activity, a placeholder or special word can be used to list all sessions in the course description, accompanied by a "Sign Up" button. Users can click this button to both enroll in the course and sign up for a specific session. However, this method may not always work when the session is full, even if overbooking (waiting lists) is enabled. With this software fix, users can now sign up for sessions that are full, provided overbooking is enabled, using the "Sign Up" button in the course description.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34845528
July 18, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.5 ♦ HCE-8186
Files with Special / French Characters in Their Name Cause Issues in Marketing Blocks (Bug Fix)
If a file such as an image contains a French character in its name, it will cause an issue with the marketing blocks that can be developed within the theme. With this fix, files may not contain French characters.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34864378
July 18, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.5 ♦ HCE-8333
Renew My Learning Record Does Not Clear All Data (Bug Fix)
If a user completes a course and receives a learning record, and then immediately undertakes optional activities (on the same day), the data for these optional activities will not be cleared when the user clicks on the “Renews my learning record” link. With this software fix, any activities completed on the same day the learning record was issued (regardless of the time) will be cleared when the learner clicks on "Renew my learning record".
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34843940
July 18, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.5 ♦ HCE-8335
Expiration Dates for Courses With an Expiration Date That Is “Rounded Up” May Be Extended by One Month (Bug Fix)
If a course is configured to round up the expiration date and also set to expire the learning record based on the previous expiration date, the new learning record's expiration (after recertification) may be extended by an additional month. For example, if a user had an expiration date of October 1st and completed the course on time, next year’s expiration could be November 1st instead of October 1st. With this software fix, the expiration date will now correctly display as October 1st as expected.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34852819
July 18, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.5 ♦ HCE-8375
Compliance Snapshots for Months that have Less than 31 Days Are Skipped (Bug Fix)
The system takes a compliance snapshot at the end of each month and archives it for future reference. Starting in February 2024, the snapshots for months that have less than 31 days (February, April and June 2024) were skipped. With this software fix, the compliance snapshots are now generated once again.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34844019
July 10, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.4 ♦ HCE-8352
Manage Appraisals Table Shows Inaccurate List of User with Read Access to Appraisal Forms (Bug Fix)
When viewing the Performance Appraisals “Manage Appraisals” table, the "Read Access" column shows an inaccurate/incomplete list of users who have read access to a form. Only Supervisors who are assigned to the form are shown as having "Read Access". Depending on the PAS "Read Access" setting, administrators of cohorts to which the user belongs to can potentially also have read access to their appraisal forms. As part of this software fix, the list in the “Read Access” column now properly reflects the “Read Access” setting as defined by an administrator.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PRS/pages/110002219
July 7, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.4 ♦ HCE-7651
BigBlueButton 2.7.9 Update (BigBlueButton Update)
As part of our general development cycle, the web conferencing system, which is based on BigBlueButton, has been upgraded to version 2.7.9.
Learn more here: Release Notes for BigBlueButton 2.7.9
July 7, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.4 ♦ HCE-8328
Courses with Multiple Activities Set to Expire by "Year" or "Month" May Not Issue Learning Records Under Specific Circumstances (Bug Fix)
When a learning record is set to expire after a specific period (e.g., 365 days), the system ensures that the user completes all mandatory activities within that timeframe before issuing a learning record. For instance, if a learning record expires after 365 days, the user must have completed all required activities within the past 365 days. If another unit of measure was used (e.g., months or years), the system disregarded the unit when verifying completion criteria. For example, setting "12 months" incorrectly required completion within 12 days. This software fix now ensures that the system correctly considers the specified unit (days, months, or years) when issuing learning records.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34852819
July 7, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.4 ♦ HCE-8352
Completion Status Report Shows the “Not Enrolled” Icon (Bug Fix)
The Completion Status report only shows enrolled users. However, the status of certain users sometimes showed the “Not enrolled” icon. This was caused by the fact the the enrolment start time for the user(s) in question was set to 0 when using a specific enrolment method and under specific circumstances. As part of this software fix, we ensure that the enrolment start time is set correctly using the given scenario that was causing the issue.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34864034
June 26, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.3 ♦ HCE-8279
The “User is registered in the program” Program Notification Does Not Support Tokens (Improvement)
Programs are capable of sending notifications to users based on numerous events. Generally speaking, they support “tokens”, which are placeholders that an administrator can insert in the notification that gets replaced by an actual value when the notification gets sent (like a user’s first and last name for example). The “User is registered in the program” did not support such tokens. As part of this improvements, numerous tokens have been added to the “User is registered in the program” program notification. The complete list of token can be found when editing the notification on a per program basis.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34864279
June 25, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.2 ♦ HCE-7253
Sign Up Buttons Are Not Sufficiently Noticeable (Improvement)
There are various windows that allows users to register in face-to-face sessions. Generally speaking a “Sign Up” hyperlink is displayed. The hyperlinks however are not sufficiently noticeable based on feedback from clients. As part of this improvement, the hyperlinks have been changed to buttons and are now more noticeable.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34845528
June 17, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.1 ♦ HCE-7797
Course Expiration and Recertification Information is Available in the Custom Report Builder (New Feature)
The information related to the course expirations and recertification is now available in the custom report builder. When selecting the “Courses” report source, a new “Certification” section is available. It contains two fields: Expiration and Recertification. Adding these fields to your courses will give you details on the expiration date and recertification window for each course.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34862756
June 17, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.1 ♦ HCE-8205
Introduction to Recertification Windows (New Feature)
When setting an expiration date for a recurring course, it is now possible to also define a recertification window. When defined, the user can only get recertified within that configuration window. As an example, it is now possible to say that the learning record expires after 1 year, and that the user can only get recertified 90 days prior to the expiration of the learning record.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/105971713
June 17, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.1 ♦ HCE-6698
Certificates of Completion Now Fall Under “Certification and Expiration” (Improvement)
The “Certificate of completion” setting, which allows you to specify which certificate of completion to issue when a user completes a course, is now found under the new “Certification and Expiration” section of the course settings.
Learn more here: Issuing Certificates of Completion
June 17, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.1 ♦ HCE-7893
Numerous Changes to Configuring Recurring Courses (Improvement)
Recurring courses (e.g. courses where the learning record expires) must now be configured in the course settings page (whereas in earlier releases, an instructor would configure them in the “Course completion” page. The new settings, which are in a category called “Certification and expiration”, also allows more options such as the ability to round up the expiration date to the last day of the month.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34852819
June 17, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.1 ♦ HCE-6698
Mandatory Courses that Expire by Lapse Time May Not Always Show a Due Date (Improvement)
Courses assigned via programs are considered to be mandatory. There is a setting in each program labelled “Days to complete” to set a due date for when employees need to complete these mandatory courses when they are first enrolled in them. We recommend that administrators set “Days to complete” to a reasonable value, like 30 days for example, but the system does allow an administrator to NOT set a deadline by entering a value of 0. When doing so, the Compliance Overview block lists the courses as being mandatory for the user, but doesn’t specify a due date. As part of this improvement, if (and only if) “Days to complete” is set to 0, and if (and only if) the course has an expiration date on it, then the due date shown on the Compliance Overview block will match the expiration date set in the course’s settings. In other words, if a user is enrolled in a course on May 1st via a program, the “Days to complete” in this program is set to 0, and the course’s learning record is set to expire every 365 days, then the Compliance Overview block will now say that the due date for the course in question is April 30th of the following year. But if “Days to complete” is set to 30, then the due date will be May 30 for newly enrolled users. Note that this behavior always existed for courses that expire by date. This improvements implements a consistent behaviour for courses that expire by lapse time.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34846181
June 17, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.1 ♦ HCE-8273
Ability to Copy / Paste Placeholders in Program Notifications (Improvement)
When customizing the program notifications, an administrator has the ability to insert placeholders such as the user’s name. When the notification is sent, the placeholder is replaced by a real value (e.g. John Smith). As part of this improvement, the placeholders supported by the program notifications are displayed on the notification edit page. Clicking on the token will copy it to your browser’s clipboard, allowing you to easily paste it in your custom notification.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34864279
June 17, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.1 ♦ HCE-8203
Tracking Notifications Sent to Users by the System (New Feature)
The system occasionally sends notifications to users, including for example when they have courses that they need to complete for compliance purposes. As part of this new feature, a “Notifications” source is now available in the custom report builder, thereby allowing an administrator to build a custom report to track if and when a notification was sent, and whether it was read by the recipient.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/102170626
June 17, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.1 ♦ HCE-8196
Moodle Plugin Updates (Moodle Update)
As part of our general development cycle, numerous 3rd party plugins available from the Moodle marketplace were updated. These include: block_groups, format_onetopic, mod_checklist, mod_zoom.
Learn more here: Moodle Plugins
June 17, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.1
Moodle 4.1.11 Update (Moodle Update)
As part of our general development cycle, the HCE, which is based on Moodle, the world's most popular open-source LMS, has been upgraded to Moodle 4.1.11.
Learn more here: Release Notes for Moodle 4.1.11
June 17, 2024 ♦ v4.1.11.1 ♦ HCE-8099
Face-to-face Session Cannot Be Deleted from Calendar (Bug Fix)
When a face-to-face session is created, an entry is automatically added to the learning environment’s calendar. This calendar entry contains information about the session, including the name of its Facilitator. If the Facilitator is deleted from the system (e.g. their user account is permanently deleted), then trying to subsequently cancel the session / delete the calendar entry throws an exception. As part of this software fix, canceling a session for a face-to-face session where the Facilitator is no longer in the system now works successfully.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34857486
June 6, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.4 ♦ HCE-8217
Rewording of the “Unlock Completion Setting” Button (Improvement)
When users complete an activity or a course, the completion settings for that activity / course becomes locked. The instructor must click on a button to unlock the criteria before making any changes. The label of that button and its description suggests that users will lose their data or learning record if the button is clicked, which is not accurate. As part of this improvement, the label of the button and its description has been changed to better reflect what is happening behind the scenes. Note that this change is strictly a language string and there is no change in functionality.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34843940
May 31, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.4 ♦ HCE-5846
System Coordinators Can View and Edit Advanced Settings for Users (Improvement)
The System Coordinator role allows a user to view and edit another user’s profile. System Coordinators however can only edit the basic user profile and do not have access to the advanced settings available to System Administrators. As part of this improvement, System Coordinators now see the “Show advanced settings” link at the bottom of each user’s profile and can view / edit a user’s advanced profile fields.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34854741
May 30, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.4 ♦ HCE-8204
Option to Withdraw Enrollment after Self-Enrollment in a Free Course (Improvement)
When a user self-enrolls for a course, they do not have the ability to withdraw their enrolment. As part of this improvement, a user who self-enrolls in a free course now has the ability to unenroll themselves. Note that the ability to unenroll yourself from a course for which you paid is not available via this functionality given that this process may require a refund under certain circumstances, which has greater implications.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34853745
May 29, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.4 ♦ HCE-6802
Accreditation Information in Courses (Improvement)
When adding a course, an instructor can specify whether the course is accredited or not. If accredited, the instructor can specify the accreditation body (e.g. College of Family Physicians of Canada), the type of credit (e.g. Mainpro-M1), the number of credits, and the accreditation identifier. This information can then appear on a certificate of completion issued to the learner when they complete the course. As part of this upgrade, this feature will be enabled on all HCE Enterprise, HCE Standard and HCE Express systems, and disabled on all other systems. This means that any healthcare organization will now be able to specify whether or not their courses are accredited when creating them.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34862259
May 29, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.4 ♦ HCE-7913
Custom Reports Available in the Navigation Block (Improvement)
The learning environment allows a System Administrator to develop custom reports. Once developed, the administrator can specify an audience who can view the custom report (and even receive it via email). When that audience includes regular staff however, there is no hyperlink within the learning environment that takes the user directly to the custom reports, which means the administrator must customize their top menu (via the theme) to include a link. As part of this improvement, a link to custom reports is not available to all authenticated users via the navigation block (under Navigation > Reports).
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34862746
May 29, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.4 ♦ HCE-8152
Status Icons Displayed in the User Profile (under the “Courses” tab) do not Line Up with Compliance Report (Bug Fix)
When viewing a user’s profile, an administrator has the ability to click on the “Courses” tab to see the list of courses a user is enrolled in and their status. The icons do not always line up with the icons on the Compliance or the Completion Status report. As part of this improvement, the icons on the “Courses” tab are now aligned with the icons on the other reports.
Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/standard/completion-status-beta
May 24, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.3 ♦ HCE-8158
Epic Administrators Cannot Edit Programs (Bug Fix)
Administrators managing the training programs for Epic Systems cannot edit programs due to their inability to assign the role of “Student” in courses. As part of this software fix, the Epic administrators can now edit all programs related to Epic Systems' EHR.
Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/standard/epic-systems-ehr
May 24, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.3 ♦ HCE-8190
Exception Thrown When Viewing a Program (Bug Fix)
It is possible when creating a program to end up in a scenario where the program is considered invalid from a database perspective because some of the notifications are set to “null”. When editing this program at a later date, the administrator will see an exception message on the screen. As part of this software fix, the scenario where the program is considered invalid has been addressed and the system no longer throws an exception.
Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/standard/adding-a-program
May 22, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.3 ♦ HCE-8141
Broken Link Sent by Assignment Activity (Bug Fix)
When a user uploads a file for an assignment, the assignment activity sends the instructors an email. A link contained in that email is broken. As part of this software fix, the link is now pointing to the right web page.
Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/standard/adding-an-activity
May 22, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.3 ♦ HCE-8168
Overridden Activity Completions Block Future Recertifications (Bug Fix)
When a user’s activity completion is granted manually by an instructor (using the “override” function in the learning environment), the user does not get a learning record when they try to get recertified a year later for the same course because the override sticks year after year. As part of this software fix, the system now generates a new learning record whenever a user completes an activity during the recertification process, even if an override is present.
Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/standard/activity-completion-basic-advanced
May 22, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.3 ♦ HCE-8193
BigBlueButton 2.7.8 Update (BigBlueButton Update)
As part of our general development cycle, the web conferencing system, which is based on BigBlueButton, has been upgraded to version 2.7.8.
Learn more here: Release Notes for BigBlueButton 2.7.8
May 21, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.3 ♦ HCE-8191
Appraisals Are Not Reassigned to the New Supervisor (New Feature)
When an employee switches supervisors (e.g. managers, directors or VPs), the appraisal that is already assigned to their supervisor does not get reassigned to their new supervisor. As a result, some of the appraisals never get completed unless an administrator manually intervenes and reassigns the appraisal manually. As part of this new feature, any appraisal in progress (e.g. appraisals that are not yet “locked”) is automatically reassigned to the user’s new supervisor. As part of this new feature, a system-level administrator can also limit the list of supervisors who will be assigned to the appraisal based on user profile fields.
Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/pas/assigning-appraisals-to-supervisors
May 9, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.3 ♦ HCE-7273
BigBlueButton 2.7.7 Update (BigBlueButton Update)
As part of our general development cycle, the web conferencing system, which is based on BigBlueButton, has been upgraded to version 2.7.7.
Learn more here: Release Notes for BigBlueButton 2.7.7
May 7, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.2 ♦ HCE-8155
Text Strings Appear in Both English and French on the Same Page (Bug Fix)
When viewing the site in French, certain administrative pages show text in both English and French. As part of this software fix, the way the text is rendered on these pages was refactored and the text now only appears in the user’s preferred language .
May 1, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.2 ♦ HCE-8078
Activity Completion Data is Not Being Reset in this Unique Scenario (Bug Fix)
This issue appears in a very unique scenario. A course is configured with a condition of “Expiration by date”. The learner has a valid learning record. An instructor or administrator then unlocks the course completion settings and adds a new activity to the course completion requirements. The user already has a valid learning record so when they access the course, they see the banner “Congratulations. You have completed the course”. However, the learner has not actually completed the new mandatory activity, so the status of the course (and indirectly each activity within this course) is inconsistent. As part of this software fix, the status of the activities now considers this additional scenario where mandatory activities are added after the learning record is issued.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34860035
April 26, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.1 ♦ HCE-8073
Session Attendance Taken Prior to the HCE 4.1 Upgrade Might Switch State Following an Upgrade to HCE 4.1 (Bug Fix)
This issue is only applicable to timesheets entered using version 3.9 of the learning environment, and then re-saved using version 4.1 of the learning environment. Under certain circumstances, if a user was marked as having fully attended a face-to-face session using version 3.9 of the learning environment, and an administrator then modified the timesheet (e.g. entered attendance for other users and then saved the timesheet again) using version 4.1 of the learning environment, the status for certain users might change from “Fully attended” to “Partially attended”. The user’s however would retain their learning record, but some reports may indicate that the user only partially attended the session. As part of this software fix, the system now retains the status of “Fully attended” if an administrator re-saved an old timesheets created in HCE 3.9.
April 26, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.1 ♦ HCE-8115
Course Overview Block Doesn’t Always Report 100% Completion Even Though the User Has a Learning Record (Improvement)
The Course Overview block reports on a user’s progress in each course. For example, if a course contains 5 activities and the user completed 3 of them, the block would report a 60% completion. There are circumstances however when a user can receive a learning record without completing all of the activities. For example, a bilingual course that contains a lesson in English and French would only require the learner to complete one of the two lessons. After completing the English lesson, the user would receive a learning record, but the Course Overview block would report 50% completion because the user did not complete the French lesson. In another example, a user who has been granted an equivalency for the course would continue to show a 0% completion rate because they did not technically complete any of the activities in the learning environment. As part of this improvement, the calculation of the progress in the Course Overview block has been refactored such that if the user has a valid learning record, then the progress will always show 100% completion.
April 26, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.1 ♦ HCE-4850
Empty Programs Show Users as Being Compliant but with 0% Completion (Improvement)
Programs that do not reference any courses (e.g. empty programs) are included in the Program Completion report. The report states that users have a “Status” of “Compliant” and have a “% Complete” of “0”. As part of this improvement, empty programs are no longer shown in the Program Completion report. This is true for the report viewed online as well as the report sent via email.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34845339
April 26, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.1 ♦ HCE-8087
Users Created via LDAPS No Longer Added to Sites in Multi-site Environment (Bug Fix)
In a multi-site environment, any users created via a LDAPS were no longer added to their respective sites. This feature, which existed in HCE 3.9, was not implemented in HCE 4.1. As part of this software fix, the feature has been re-implemented in HCE 4.1.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34849359
April 26, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.1 ♦ HCE-8095
Course Completion Badges Do Not Turn to “Done: Completed” Until the Entire Course is Done (Bug Fix)
When a course that contains multiple mandatory activities is reset and the learner completes only some of the activities, the badges for the completed activities report “Done:” followed by the completion criteria. Once the course is completed in its entirety, the badges would then read “Done: Completed”. As part of this software fix, the badge now reports “Done: Completed” as soon as the activity is done regardless of whether the course itself is done.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34853656
April 26, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.1 ♦ HCE-8094
Completion Status CSV Export Does Not Show the User’s Last Name (Bug Fix)
When exporting the Completion Status report to CSV, the resulting file only contains the user’s first name instead of their full (first / last) name in some circumstances. As part of this software fix, the user’s full name is always visible in the CSV file when exporting the report.
Learn more here: https://dualcode.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34864034
April 26, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.1 ♦ HCE-8089
Moodle Plugin Updates (Moodle Update)
As part of our general development cycle, numerous 3rd party plugins available from the Moodle marketplace were updated. These include: block_checklist, filter_videoeasy, format_grid, mod_checklist, profilefield_file.
Learn more here: Moodle Plugins
April 26, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.1
Moodle 4.1.10 Update (Moodle Update)
As part of our general development cycle, the HCE, which is based on Moodle, the world's most popular open-source LMS, has been upgraded to Moodle 4.1.10.
Learn more here: Release Notes for Moodle 4.1.10
April 26, 2024 ♦ v4.1.10.1 ♦ HCE-8099