cobas® infinity POC (navify® POC Operations)

cobas® infinity POC (navify® POC Operations)

Dual Code has partnered with Roche Diagnostics Canada to integrate our learning environment with the cobas® infinity POC (navify® POC Operations), which manages medical devices like the Accu-Chek® Inform II glucose-meter.

Table of Contents

Common Implementation

A common implementation for this solution is the integration of Dual Code's HCE learning environment to cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) for the purpose of activating Roche Diagnostic's Accu-Chek Inform II glucose-meter.

  • Registering users in programs and courses in the HCE learning environment after the clinical manager has added them to cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations)

  • Marking the user as having completed the course in cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) once they complete the course in the HCE learning environment and they receive a learning record

  • Activating the medical device such as Accu-Chek Inform II glucose-meter

Getting Started

This service uses Dual Code's LRX (Learning Record Exchange), which is a web services framework offered as part of OCI. This service is disabled on the platform by default and can only be enabled for Dual Code clients who are also under agreement with Roche Diagnostics Canada. To enable this service, please contact Dual Code.

The procedure below needs to be done by a System Administrator. While certain tasks can be delegated to other roles (e.g. Adding Activities and Resources), many of the steps in the procedure below can only be done by someone who has the role of System Administrator in the Dual Code HCE learning environment.

The procedure should also be done on your staging server first. Once you can confirm that the integration works on staging, you should coordinate with Roche to set it up on the live HCE learning environment.

Enabling the Service

Once confirmed by Roche Diagnostics that you are authorized to use this service, it will be enabled by default in the HCE learning environment. There is nothing for you to enable in the learning environment itself. You will however need to ensure that cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations), which is hosted on premise within your organization, can communicate with the learning environment over secure FTP. This means you will need to allow communication over port 22 between cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) and the following two URLs:

  • roche-sftp-staging.dualcode.com

  • roche-sftp.dualcode.com

Adding or Identifying the "Roche ID"

The cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) tracks users based on a field called "Roche ID". This value for the Roche ID on cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) must match a the value of a field tracked in the HCE learning environment. While the value must match, the name of the field itself doesn't need to match. In other words, if you are using an existing field in the learning environment such as the username, ID number or even a custom field, the integration will work as long as the value of the field is identical.

If you are already tracking the Roche ID in the learning environment, you can skip the next steps and jump to the "Adding a Course" section of this article. If you are not already tracking the "Roche ID" in the learning environment, you must add a custom user profile field.

  1. Go to Site administration > Users > Accounts > User profile fields.

  2. Select a field type from the drop down menu. (Generally, it would be a "Text input" field type.)

  3. Configure the settings for the field. For validity reasons, we recommend setting the "Should the data be unique?" question to "Yes".

  4. Click the "Save changes" button.

Once this is done, you can populate the field for the users who will require an account on cobas infinity POC.

Adding a Course

You need to add your Accu-Chek® Inform II course in the learning environment.

  1. Go to Site Administration > Courses > Add a new course

  2. Fill out the form and make note of the "Course short name". You will need it later when you set up the program.

  3. Click on the "Save and display" button at the bottom of the page

If you are prompted to enroll users in the course, you may skip this page and proceed to the course content. The cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) will automatically enroll users in this course.

Adding Activities and Resources

Once the course is created, you may add the necessary activities and resources to the course. This may include SCORM files, videos, PDFs, PowerPoints, quizzes, or any other type of activity that you have.

While you are still in the course:

  1. Turn editing on (if it is not turned on already)

  2. Click on the "Add an activity or resource" hyperlink 

  3. Select the activity or resource you would like to add

  4. Click on the Add button

Ensure the "Activity Completion" section at the bottom of each activity in your course is properly configured. The integration and activation of the Accu-Chek device depends on the completion of the learning activities.

Generating Learning Records

As per the note above, the integration with Accu-Chek depends on the generation of learning records. You are therefore required to set the "Course Completion" criteria in the Accu-Chek course.

While you are still in the course:

  1. Go to Course Administration > Settings

  2. Expand the "Certification and Expiration" section

  3. Set the “Expiration” field to “Expire the learning record after” and specify the time to match the value in cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) for the "Observation time for pending certification”

  4. Click on the "Save changes" button 

Sending the Learning Records to cobas infinity POC

The steps above will generate a learning record in the HCE learning environment. The steps below will ensure that the learning records are then sent to cobas infinity POC.

While you are still in the course:

  1. Go to Course Administration > Learning record exchange

  2. Click on the "Add" button

  3. Select "Roche Diagnostics Canada" (or "roche") from the list of recipients.

  4. Click on the "Add" button

From this point forward, learning records for this course will be sent to cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) and the glucose-meter will be activated for the learner who completes the course.  Please note the following:

  • There is approximately a 20 minute delay between the time a user completes the course in the learning environment and their glucose-meter is activated.

  • The following learning records will not be sent to Accu-Chek:

    • Existing (legacy) learning records

    • Learning records that are uploaded using a CSV file

    • Learning records generated as part of a course equivalency application

Automating User Enrollments

When properly integrated, cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) will automatically enroll users in the Accu-Chek course once the clinical manager adds them to cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations). This means that the clinical manager will not need to log in the HCE learning environment to assign users to the course, nor will you need to define any sort of condition in the course or program related to course enrollments.

  1. Go to Site Administration > Courses > Programs > Add/edit programs

  2. Click the "Add a program" button

  3. Enter the title for the program

  4. Set the "ID Number" to match the "Course short name" of the course that you set up earlier. It's important that the program ID number and the course short name be identical.

  5. Select the course in question in the "Training Requirements" section of the program

  6. Set the "Days to complete" to match the value in cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) for the "Observation time for pending certification".*

  7. In the "Notifications" section, expand the "Show more..." section

  8. Configure the "Send coming due notifications" notification so that it starts sending notifications at the same time as the cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations). In other words, if the "Observation time for certified"* in cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) is 90 days, then you'll want "Send coming due notifications" to start 90 days before the due date.

  9. Click on the "Save changes" button

* The "Observation time" may vary from one client to another and can be found in cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations). Dual Code has no visibility into what those settings are since we cannot directly log in the cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) user interface. For more information regarding these settings, please contact your cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) administrator or Roche Diagnostics.

Troubleshooting Issues & FAQs

Q. How do learners get added to my program / course?

A. The cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) will automatically add users to the program / course. This is fully automated. As such, you should not set rules to add users to programs nor should you manually add users to programs unless Roche Diagnostics identifies a problem. Note however that the user must exist in the learning environment and they must have an identifier that matches the Roche ID. cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) will not create users in the learning environment. They will only assign existing users (based on a matching Roche ID) to the program.

Q. How do I manage learners who are on leave or come back from a leave of absence?

A. The person in charge of managing cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) is responsible for keeping its information up-to-date. This includes managing the status of the operators. If an operator is on leave, they should be deactivated in cobas infinity and re-activated if/when they come back. If they remain activated, cobas infinity will not know when to re-assign the user to the course in the learning environment.

If a user comes back from a leave of absence and they were never deactivated in cobas infinity, they will most likely not see the course on their dashboard. The person in charge of cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) should be instructed to deactivate the user in cobas infinity (not in the learning environment), then wait 1 hour, and then re-activate the user in cobas infinity. By doing so, the course will be re-assigned to the user in question in the learning environment within an hour.

Q. Why do I not see learners being added to programs?

A. If learners are not being added to program, check to make sure that the user upload task meant to add users to programs is still being processed. Go to Site Administration > Users > Accounts > User uploads > History. Look for a job queued by Roche (using the “Who queued” column) and make sure it successfully ran recently. If the job ran but the “Result” column reports an error, click on the “View results” icon in the “Actions” column next to the job in question.

If the error message is "cURL Error (22) : The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found", it means that cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) cannot communicate with the learning environment. The communication takes place over port 22. Please make sure you that your organization's firewall allows outbound connections to the learning environment's SFTP server.

If another type of error occurred (e.g. the user ID did not match any user in the learning environment) and you fix this error in the learning environment after the fact, you also need to add the user to the program manually. Roche will not re-attempt to re-register a user in a program following a failure.

For example, let's say you have a user in the system called "John Smith" but the user is missing their unique Roche ID (or it doesn't match the identifier in cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations)). If you change the Roche ID in the learning environment, cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) will not retry to add the user in the program. After changing the user's Roche ID in the learning environment, you'll need to manually add them to the program by following the "Manual Procedure / Override" steps outlined in Registering Users in Programs.

Q. Why do I not see learners being added to courses?

A. If learners are in programs but are not being added to courses, check the program and make sure that the course is specified in the "Training Requirements" section. You should also make sure that users are being assigned the role of "Student".

Q. Why do I not see "Roche Diagnostics Canada" as an LRX recipient?

A. If you do not see "Roche Diagnostics Canada" as an LRX recipient in the procedure above but you see "roche", you may select "roche". If you do not see either options, it's because the feature has not been enabled. Please contact Dual Code to enable this feature.

Q. Can the learning environment send email reminders to learners when their cobas certificate is about to expire?

A. Because the users are managed via programs, technically, programs could send learners a reminder. However, the rules in Roche Diagnostic's cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) don't always require the learner to complete the course in its entirety in order for the glucose-meter to be activated. As such, it's generally best to let the cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) send the reminders to learners.

Q. How far ahead of their recertification should I ask users to redo the course?

A.  Every implementation of cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) is slightly different. Some allow the user to get recertified 30 days before the expiration of the learning record while for others, it can be 60 or even 90 days. These values are defined as "Observation Time" in cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations).



Q, What happens if I don’t set a recertification window and the learner completes their training too early?

A. If the learner completes their training too early because a recertification window is not set, the learning environment will generate a learning record, but cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) will reject this learning record. This means that a user may see a green checkmark in the learning environment but the glucose-meter will remain deactivated until the cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) administrator intervenes in cobas itself. That’s why it’s important to set a recertification window that matches the “Observation time for certified" in cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations).

Should it be the case, you will need to void the latest learning record for the user in question in the learning environment, and ask them to do the course again.

Q. What do I do if a learner completes the course, but the glucose-meter is not activated for them?

A. If the activation of the device does not work for ANY user, then you most likely have an integration issue. Please review the procedure above. If you cannot solve the issue, raise a ticket via our Help Desk. On the other hand, if the activation works for most users but fails for only a few issues, there could be numerous reasons why the glucose-meter is not active for them. We suggest you follow these steps to troubleshoot the problem:

  • Does the user have their Roche ID in their user profile and does it match the Roche ID in cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations)? If the user does not have a valid Roche ID in their user profile, the learning record will be sent to cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations), but cobas will not recognize the user in question and therefore cannot activate the device.

  • Does the user have a valid learning record? If the user does not have a valid learning record, he/she did not successfully complete the course.

  • Is the user getting recertified and if so, did the recertification take place within the observation window as defined in cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations)?

Also, keep in mind that the certification may require the user to complete certain steps OUTSIDE of the learning environment. In other words, completing the training is not the only requirement for the activation of the glucose-meter. For more information regarding other steps, please contact your cobas infinity POC (navify® POC Operations) administrator or Roche Diagnostics.

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