Detailed Attendance Tracking
The Face-to-face activity has always allowed instructors to take attendance by specifying whether their learners were a “no show”, “partially attended” or “fully attended” the session. In the event that a user is marked as having “partially attended" a session, an instructor will now be required to specify the number of hours attended by the user on the face-to-face attendance sheet.
The hours need to be entered as per the following convention:
"2 hours" is entered as 2, 2:00 or 2.00
"1 hour and 30 minutes" is entered as 1:30 or 1.5
"45 minutes" is entered as 0:45 or 0.75
"20 minutes" is entered as 0:20 or 0.33. I
The "Remarks" field (show in the screenshot below) is meant to track comments such as "the user showed up late" or “the user never came back after lunch”. It will accept up to 255 characters.
Prior to this enhancement, a user who had partially attended a session would automatically receive a grade of 50% in the gradebook. With this improvement, a user who has attended 75% of the session (45 minutes out of a 1 hour session for example) will receive a grade of 75% in the gradebook. This will allow an instructor to have better flexibility when deciding the pass or fail rate of a session. Furthermore, if the user does not meet the minimum attendance criteria for the session, an email will be sent to that user to inform him/her that they did not meet the completion criteria.