Tokenization in the Certificates
The "Custom Text" available in the Certificates activity has been extended to support various tokens (wrapped in square brackets) that will be replaced by information from the course or face-to-face session when it is displayed to learners. The following tokens are available:
credits: The credits will be the value of “Duration” (found in the face-to-face session) if the user has “Fully attended” the course or 0 if the user is a “No show”. If a user has “Partially attended” a course, the credits token will show the number of hours that were specified in the attendance sheet by a Facilitator. The format for credits will be 13.25.
hours: The hours will be the value of “Duration” (found in the face-to-face session) if the user has “Fully attended” the course or 0 if the user is a “No show”. If a user has “Partially attended” a course, the hours token will show the number of hours that were specified in the attendance sheet by a Facilitator. The format for hours will be 13:15.
(NOTE: The only difference between the “credits” and “hours” tokens is the format in which they are displayed since both are extracted from the face-to-face attendance tracking and 1 hour = 1 credit.)fullname: The fullname token will display the fullname of the course
shortname: The shortname token will display the shortname of the course
date: The date token will display the last date of the session the user attended. If the session has multiple dates in it, the date token will only return the last date. The date format needs to follow the convention specified in the certificate “Date Format” field.
city: The city token will display the “City” field from the face-to-face session if it exists. Please note that the "City" field does not exist by default and must be added as a custom field to the face-to-face activity.
province: The province token will display the “Province” field from the face-to-face session if it exists. Please note that the "Province" field does not exist by default and must be added as a custom field to the face-to-face activity.
country: The country token will display the “Country” field from the face-to-face session if it exists. Please note that the "Country" field does not exist by default and must be added as a custom field to the face-to-face activity.
With these enhancements, an administrator will be able to write the following message in the custom text field of the certificate…
has completed [hours] hours of training in the [fullname] course, which has been accredited for up to [credits] Mainpro-C credits by the College of Family Physicians of Canada on date in [city], [province], [country]
…which will appear on the certificate of completion as per the following:
has completed 2:30 hours of training in the Cancer Care course, which has been accredited for up to 2.5 Mainpro-C credits by the College of Family Physicians of Canada on March 2, 2015 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada