Generating Quiz Questions Using Generative AI

Questions are generated and stored in a question bank, allowing them to be reused across multiple quizzes. When setting up a quiz, you can either create the questions in advance and then add them to the quiz, or you can add a quiz activity and create the questions as you go.

There are at least 3 methods to create quiz questions. The easiest is by far using the AI Question Generated as explained below. This method however only creates multiple choice questions. If you want other types of questions (there are 16 different types of questions including ā€œTrue/falseā€, ā€œShort answerā€ and ā€œEssayā€), we explain this method later in this document.

Step-by-step Guide

To generate quiz questions using generative AI (Artificial Intelligence):

  1. Go to the course in question

  2. Go to Course Administration > Question Bank > AI Question Generator

  3. Copy and paste your training material in plain text format in the text box as indicated

  4. Indicate the language in which you would like the questions to be

    1. The AI tool can generate French quiz questions from English content, as well as French questions from English content. If for example you leave the ā€œLanguageā€ setting to English, the resulting questions will be in English even if you copy / paste French content in the text area.

  5. Specify how many multiple-choice questions you would like generated

  6. Click on the ā€œGenerate Questionsā€ button



Important Notes

  • AI questions are generated asynchronously. It is safe to leave the window as they are being created. You will be able to find them in the question bank once the AI tool has finished creating them.

  • Although AI is a powerful tool, it is not without limitations. We recommend reviewing the quiz questions generated by this tool and making any necessary corrections before including them in your quiz.