Self-enrolling in OCI Courses

Self-enrolling in OCI Courses

Learners can self-enroll in courses in the OCI Marketplace. Once they self-enroll, both the organization that offers the course and the learning environment where the user's account exists will have a copy of the learning record.

Step-by-step Guide

To enroll in OCI courses:

  1. Do a keyword search using the regular search tool or by going to OCI Tools > Search for Courses in the Navigation block

    1. The search tool searches through the course's title, description, and the name of the organization offering the course. 

  2. Select a course from the results by clicking on its title

  3. Follow the course providers instructions to enroll in the course

Important Notes

  • Some courses are available for free while others for a fee, depending on whether or not the organization providing the course charges for it. 

  • When accessing a 3rd party system via OCI, your firstname, lastname and email address is sent to the 3rd party in question (e.g. the "provider" who is offering the course). If the 3rd party requires additional information (e.g. your job title), you will have the option of entering it manually.

  • Once you are enrolled in a course, it appears in your OCI Library.

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