Epic Systems EHR Services

Epic Systems EHR Services

Training is one of the fundamental building blocks of an effective Epic EHR deployment. At the same time, training your entire organization in such a short time frame can be a daunting task.

Dual Code has helped dozens of hospitals implement training programs for the Epic EHR. Our Implementation Specialists use their knowledge, skills and experience, along with advanced tools, to help you successfully deploy Epic’s learning material in a timely manner.  Our experienced staff is ready to guide you through this organizational transformation by providing professional advice both during the implementation process and in the weeks following the go-live date. We will provide you with the right people, at the right time, to ensure your program's success and answer questions such as:

  • How do you model Epic’s training material in the Dual Code learning environment?

  • How do you import Epic’s EULAs (End-User Proficiency Assessments) into the quiz activity?

  • How do you track that the right people are registered in the right Epic training track?

  • How do you schedule learners into classroom sessions in such a large volume and specify whether those learners will need coverage while they are sitting in a class?

  • How can select users test out of Epic training?

  • How do you know with certainty that every component of Epic training is configured properly?

Dual Code has a deep understanding of all the possible pitfalls to avoid while implementing Epic training. Our team has the tools and processes in place to help you succeed. We’ve been there. Let us help you!

What We Offer

Our Implementation Specialists spend on average 500 hours helping our hospital clients with the implementation of their Epic EHR training program. In addition to their expertise, we offer:

  • An onboarding checklist that breaks down all the tasks by week

  • Web-based training and videos for your Epic Administrators, Principal Trainers (PRs), Credentialed Trainers (CTs) and Managers to help them get familiar with the learning environment

  • Automation tools to convert Epic EULA questions to a format that can be imported in a quiz activity

  • Custom security roles to allow Epic Administrators, PTs and CTs to manage Epic training without granting them access to non-Epic courses in your learning environment

  • Readiness assessment tools to make sure that your launch is successful and prevent false starts

  • Custom reports to help you track class registration rates as well as the participation and progress of your learners in Epic training

  • Post go-live support to ensure a smooth launch of your Epic training program and provide a quick solution to any problems you may encounter

Readiness Systems Check

Our “Epic Systems Configuration Checks” report assesses your readiness to go live with Epic training based on more than a dozen criteria. If the report issues a warning, a detailed explanation is available at the click of a button to help you understand and solve the problem. If the error can be fixed programmatically, a “Fix It” button will allow you to automatically repair the issue. This prevents false starts associated with poor configuration, which is hard to visually identify given the large volume of material provided by Epic, and hours of manual work from your Epic team.

Progress Reports

Once live, the various progress reports designed and developed specifically for Epic allow you to track your learner’s registration, participation and progress in online courses, classroom sessions, and EUPAs. The half dozen reports complement the reports already available in the learning environment.

What Gives Us the Edge

Our Implementation Specialists are Level 2 or above certified with years of experience implementing the Dual Code learning environment for dozens of hospitals. They also have experience implementing Epic EHR training material in the Dual Code learning environment and are familiar with the pitfalls encountered by other hospitals.

Upon our engagement, our Implementation Specialists will host:

  • A Kick-Off meeting where we explain everyone’s roles and responsibilities, the process and deliverables, the risk factors and mitigation plan, the timeline and communication plan

  • A Technical Workshop where we dive into the details of how the Epic training material will be organized in the learning environment, and how learners will be assigned to the right Epic training track

  • Formal training for your Epic Administrators to ensure they know the ins and outs of implementing Epic in the Dual Code learning environment

  • Weekly 30-minute meetings where we guide your team and answer questions they may have related to the deployment of your Epic training material

  • Post go-live support for a period of 4 weeks to ensure the launch of your Epic training program is successful

We’ve been there. Let us help you.

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