Viewing your Purchase History

Viewing your Purchase History

The Purchase History lists all courses that you've purchased (e.g. paid for). This includes purchases where you are (a) enrolling yourself or (b) enrolling others. From this report's "Action" columns, you can also download a receipt for any previous purchases. You can also buy the course again. This for example is useful for a course that requires an annual recertification that requires you to pay for the course each time, or if you are purchasing the course for others and you require more licenses.

If you've purchased the course for others, you can also:

  • Copy the link (e.g. secret key) so you can share it with other people

  • View more details about the users who have used your link to enrol in the course

Step-by-step Guide

To view your Purchase History:

  1. Go to Navigation > Purchase History

Important Notes

  • The purchase history lists purchases of courses only. It does not list other purchases or financial transactions that you may have made on the system (e.g. membership dues, books, donations, etc.)

  • If you've purchased an OCI course, you have to navigate (via OCI Tools > View my library) to the course provider's learning environment to view your purchase history for their courses. In other words, the purchase history will not list purchases made in other learning environments.

  • The Actions column illustrated in the above screenshot may not appear depending on the options offered by the organization selling the course.

  • Receipts can be downloaded from the Actions columns on this page as long as the organization issues receipts. Some organizations may have disabled the generation of receipts from the learning environment. If you do not see an icon to download your receipt next to a specific purchase, please contact the administrator of the site in question.

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