Course Catalogue
Course Catalogue
The learning environment now features 5 different ways of finding courses:
- By title (A to Z)
- By program
- By category
- By date
- By keyword
These options each have a distinct URL, allowing you to add all or any option to the top menu or other web page. To add all options to the top menu, you can simply copy/paste the code below to the "custommenuitems" setting, which is generally found under Site Administration > Appearance > Themes > Dual Code > Custom Menu
Course Catalogue
-By title (A to Z)|/local/coursecatalog/index.php?catalog=1
-By program|/local/coursecatalog/index.php?catalog=2
-By delivery|/course/index.php
-By date|/calendar/view.php?view=month
-By keyword|/course/search.php?ignore=1
, multiple selections available,