HCE 3.9.14

HCE 3.9.14

Dual Code is committed to continuously improving the HCE and regularly implementing new features with each release. You'll find below our latest release notes.

July 13, 2022

Asynchronous Uploads of Classroom Sessions and Attendance Records (Improvement)

The learning environment allows a System Administrator to upload classroom sessions as well as attendance records. While this process may be quick when uploading just a few sessions, it can be lengthy when uploading large files, particularly when a new client is being onboarded and they are uploading all their legacy information. As part of the improvement, the files being uploaded are now being processed asynchronously (in the background), thereby allowing the administrator to perform other tasks. Once the system is done processing the file, the administrator will receive a notification and is able to view the complete history of the upload to verify the results.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/egOj

Ref: HCE-5512

July 7, 2022

Managing Sales Receipts (New Feature)

The learning environment automatically issues sales receipts based on a template you've designed for your site. When a receipt is issued, it is automatically emailed to the user who made the purchase and they can also access it after the fact by visiting the Purchase History page in their Navigation block. As an administrator, you are now also able to find receipts for specific individuals in order to download them, void them, or permanently delete them.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/TgFpBg

Ref: HCE-5609

July 6, 2022

Customizing your Sales Receipts (New Feature)

It is now possible for an administrator to customize the receipt template. This includes the ability to upload your logo, change your address, write your refund and/or cancellation policy, and change the general look and feel of the receipt.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/AgPWAw

Ref: HCE-5609

July 6, 2022

Viewing the Purchase History for a Course (New Feature)

The "Purchase History" report, available to administrators and instructors, lists the purchases that were made for a course that charges a fee. It shows the first / last name of the user who made the purchase, the date / time the purchase was made, the name of the product (e.g. the course) and the total fee (including taxes). The last column allows the instructor to complete certain actions, including viewing the receipt for the purchase in a PDF format. If the purchase includes multiple licenses, the instructor can also download the link / key that would allow users to self-register with the pre-paid license and view the details about the license consumptions

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/PAFpBg

Ref: HCE-5670

July 6, 2022

Viewing your Purchase History (Improvement)

The "Order History" page has been renamed "Purchase History". The page, which allows users to see their course purchases, is available in the Navigation block. The page allows users to download copies of their sales receipts (whereas in the past, sales receipts were emailed to the user but not available from within the learning environment after the fact). The page has also been extended to support purchases made by administrators on behalf of their staff.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/ZwBpBg

Ref: HCE-5659

July 6, 2022

Adding OCI Users to Cohorts (New Feature)

When creating cohorts and specifying membership rules, by default, only non-OCI users who match the conditions you've set will be added to the cohort. It is now possible to also include OCI users in the cohort by enabling the "Include OCI users" setting that can be found immediately below the membership conditions.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/cgBpBg

Ref: HCE-5639

July 5, 2022

Skip Scheduled User Uploads if the CSV File has Not Changed (Improvement)

Scheduled user uploads (also called tasks) run as per a schedule determined by the System Administrator who schedules it. In the past, the scheduled task would run regardless of whether the CSV file had changed. This means that the system could take hours (for the largest sites) processing files without ever making any changes (because the file had already been processed the previous day). As part of this improvement, a new setting called "Skip files that have not changed" was introduced. This setting is on by default when creating new tasks, but disabled for tasks that pre-existed before the upgrade. Unless it is truly required that the task run even though the CSV file has not changed, we recommend that you manually enable this setting on your older scheduled user tasks. Enabling this setting will enhance the performance of your system, particularly for site that have 10,000 or more users in their CSV file or sites that run the task multiple times a day.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/9wKj

Ref: HCE-5613

July 5, 2022

Epic Principal Trainer Cannot See User's Full Identity (Bug Fix)

When selecting users in certain windows, the Epic Principal Trainer could see the user's full name, but not his full identity (e.g. email address, employee ID). This created difficulty in selecting users when two accounts with the same full name existed. As part of this software fix, the Epic Principal Trainers can now see the user's full identity the same way System Administrators can. 

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/qoClBQ

Ref: HCE-5473

June 30, 2022

Able to Save Invalid Face-to-face Activity Completion Criteria (Bug Fix)

When adding a face-to-face activity, the "Activity Completion" section did not verify whether or not a value was selected for the "Session" field when attendance was required. It was therefore possible for an Instructor to save the activity with invalid completion criteria. As part of this software fix, the web page will display an error if the activity completion criteria is invalid.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/HQD5AQ

Ref: HCE-5551

June 24, 2022

Program Notifications Sent to Learners Twice (Bug Fix)

Program notifications being sent to learners are under certain circumstances sent twice. As part of this software fix, the system keeps better track of the notifications to ensure they are only sent once. 

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/HABpBg

Ref: HCE-5650

June 24, 2022

Long Course Title Moves the Course Image in the Catalogue Update (Bug Fix)

If course titles are long and span across two lines in the course catalogue, the course image usually displayed at the left of the course title and description is moved down. As part of this software fix, the image is now displayed in the proper position even with longer course titles. 

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/2YEBBg

Ref: HCE-5566

June 21, 2022

BigBlueButton 2.4.9 Update (BigBlueButton Update)

As part of our general development cycle, the web conferencing system, which is based on BigBlueButton, has been upgraded to version 2.4.9 

Learn more here: https://github.com/bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton/releases/tag/v2.4.9

Ref: HCE-5656

June 13, 2022

Greater / Less Then Logic Reinstated in Program Assignment Operators (Bug Fix)

The "greater then" and "less then" operators, which were available in operators when defining program assignment conditions, disappeared as a result of a change made by the Moodle community. As part of this software fix, the operators are reintroduced by Dual Code.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/VAFpBg

Ref: HCE-5658

June 7, 2022

Applying and Reviewing Course Equivalencies (Improvement)

The navigation for viewing / applying for equivalencies (for learners) and reviewing / approving equivalencies (for supervisors and administrators) has been simplified. Users who are not able to apply for an equivalency because they do not have supervisors who can approve their application no longer see the link to apply for equivalencies.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/7AKj (for learners) and https://docs.dualcode.com/x/GAA4Ag (for supervisors and administrators)

Ref: HCE-5602

June 7, 2022

Issuing Certificates of Completion Automatically (New Feature)

When a user completes a course, a certificate of completion can now be emailed to them as a PDF attachment (and optionally the instructor) automatically without requiring the Instructor to add a "Simple Certificate" activity to each and every course. Additionally, this new certificate of completion allows a learner to download older copies of their certificate of completion via the Learning History report - something not possible when using the "Simple Certificate" activity.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/7AKj

Ref: HCE-5435

May 30, 2022

The "Supported Documentation" Activity Cannot Be Translated (Bug Fix)

The "Supported Documentation" activity does not properly support mlang tags, which are required to be supported in order for an activity to show up in the user's preferred language. As part of this software fix, the activity now properly supports mlang tags. 

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/XoAQ

Ref: HCE-5595

May 30, 2022

Class Registration Report Hides Sessions with a Value for "Stop Enrollments Before Start"  (Bug Fix)

If a face-to-face session has a value set for "Stop Enrollments Before Start", the sessions will not show up in the Class Registration report used by supervisors to schedule their staff into training sessions related to Epic Systems' EMR. As part of this software fix, sessions that have a value for "Stop Enrollments Before Start" are now being shown. 

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/SAIaBQ

Ref: HCE-5585

May 27, 2022

The "Course Request" Feature is Disabled (Improvement)

The learning environment offered a feature that, when enabled, allowed users to request the creation of a course so that they could teach it. The feature caused confusion with users who would instead fill out the form hoping that an administrator would enroll them in the course as a learner. This feature was only enabled on a few select sites. As part of this improvement the feature is now disabled on all systems. (If you felt this feature worked well for your organization, please contact us via our Help Desk.)

Learn more here: This feature is not documented. 

Ref: HCE-5600

May 16, 2022

Remove Separate Link in the Navigation Block for Transcripts (Improvement)

Transcripts, also known as Statements of Marks, were available from the Learning History report (for learners under Navigation > Reports > Learning History) and the Transcript report (for administrators under Site Administration > Reports > Transcripts). But there was a 3rd link also available under Navigation > Reports > Transcripts. This 3rd link was considered redundant and has been removed to improve usability of the system and reduce the overall number of navigational menu items.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/AIGlBQ

Ref: HCE-5568

May 10, 2022

Class Registration Report Shows Deleted Sessions  (Bug Fix)

The Class Registration report used by supervisors to schedule their staff into training sessions related to Epic Systems' EMR are showing sessions that were previously deleted. As part of this software fix, sessions that are deleted are no longer available for selection. 

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/SAIaBQ

Ref: HCE-5522

May 10, 2022

Moodle 3.9.14 Update (Moodle Update)

As part of our general development cycle, the HCE, which is based on Moodle, the world's most popular open-source LMS, has been upgraded to Moodle 3.9.14. 

Learn more here: https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Moodle_3.9.14_release_notes

Ref: HCE-5546

The changes below from our previous release are automatically included in this release.

May 9, 2022

Removed the Ability for Instructors to View System Level Cohorts (Improvement)

When manually enrolling users, instructors had the ability to view (and therefore select) system-level cohorts. This led to numerous issues, the key ones being that instructors often accidentally selected a large cohort that included all users in the site (and in the case of a multi-site system, all users in the system) and enrolled them in the course without meaning to do so. This was particularly problematic because it became very difficult for an instructor to then rectify the situation and unregister the users who were not supposed to be in the course.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/egCj

Ref: HCE-5526

May 9, 2022

Face-to-face Cancellation Email not Sent to User Unregistered via Program (Bug Fix)

When a user is unregistered from a face-to-face session due to the fact that they are removed from a program, they do not receive a cancellation email (along with an iCal attachment) to update their calendar and inform them that they are no longer scheduled to attend a class. As part of this software fix, the email (and iCal attachment) is now sent to the user.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/XAOj

Ref: HCE-5317

May 9, 2022

Importing Attendance Records Resulted in an Activity Learning Record with Today's Date (Bug Fix)

When a session attendance is being uploaded using a CSV file, the expectation is that the completion date of the resulting activity learning record is the date of the session.  The learning environment erroneously used the date the CSV file was uploaded rather than the date of the session itself.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/IQAb

Ref: HCE-5378

May 9, 2022

The "Edit Profile" tab is No Longer Visible (Improvement)

When viewing a user's profile, a link to edit the profile was visible. A tab was also visible but it only allowed an administrator to edit the description for the user and a few other fields. It did not redirect the administrator to the full form, making it difficult and confusing for administrators. As part of this improvement, the tab is no longer visible and editing a profile can be done using the hyperlink. 

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/XYCqAg

Ref: HCE-5533

May 9, 2022

PayPalPro IPN messages are failing to be validated (Bug Fix)

Some of the IPN messages returned by PayPal Pro do not always complete the transaction in the learning environment due to unexpected characters in the response. As part of this software fix, we've extended the interface to better handle the unexpected characters when they are returned by PayPal Pro.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/BIAQ

Ref: HCE-5554

May 5, 2022

BigBlueButton 2.4.7 Update (BigBlueButton Update)

As part of our general development cycle, the web conferencing system, which is based on BigBlueButton, has been upgraded to version 2.4.7 

Learn more here: https://github.com/bigbluebutton/bigbluebutton/releases/tag/v2.4.7

Ref: HCE-5451

May 3, 2022

The OCI Library (New Feature)

The OCI Library lists courses available from the Marketplace that you are enrolled in. This may include courses where you've self enrolled or courses that were assigned to you by your employer or supervisor. Courses can be ordered by course full name or by last access date. Note that if there are courses that you've never accessed, the course will appear first in the list. Presumably, if you've never accessed a course, it's because your employer or another manager enrolled you in the course.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/74ABBg

Ref: HCE-4988

May 2, 2022

cobas® Academy Question Type Format (New Feature)

The cobas® Academy format is for importing questions from an older version of cobas® Academy platform, which is developed and maintained by Roche Diagnostics. The format allows you to quickly and easily transfer your old quiz questions to the HCE platform.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/64EBBg

Ref: HCE-5524

April 23, 2022

Role Restrictions for Site Policies (Improvement)

When managing site policies, it is now possible to restrict policies to specific system roles such as System Administrator, Supervisor or even OCI users. This allows your organization define terms and conditions that are only applicable to users accessing your courses from the OCI Marketplace. 

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/DwJhAg

Ref: HCE-5282

April 19, 2022

New System Coordinator Role (Improvement)

The new System Coordinator role can view and edit users and cohorts (but not add or delete them) and to view most reports in the system. The role is often granted to people in senior roles that need to view compliance statistics and/or user profile information. The role is more restrictive than that of System Administrator. For example, a System Coordinator cannot make appearance nor configuration changes to the system.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/RoABBg

Ref: HCE-4585

April 14, 2022

Hiding or Automatically Selecting the Domain on the Login Page (Improvement)

If your learning environment supports /wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34844303, you can now hide the "Domain" field on the login page by simply passing it in as a query string parameter using "authdomain". In addition, if users specify their domain and select "Remember my username", their domain will automatically be selected next time they log in.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/CoABBg

Ref: HCE-5406

April 4, 2022

Enrollment Duration Calculation Based on the Date of the Face-to-face Session (Improvement)

The "Face-to-face Session Enrollment" method, which is used to collect fees and control the enrollment for courses with a face-to-face activity, has always allowed an instructor to set the enrollment duration period. The duration however was always calculated from the time the user enrolls in the course. This new feature allows an instructor to calculate the enrollment duration based on the actual date of the session the learner will be attending.  

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/f4HHBQ

Ref: HCE-5231

March 28, 2022

Showing Manually Recorded and Unverified Learning Records in the Learning History Report (New Feature)

The Learning History report, which allows learners to view their historical learning records and download their certificate of completion, now shows learning records entered manually by learners via OCI Tools > Add a learning record. This means that when a learner completes a course on another organization's learning environment that is not "powered by Dual Code" and they manually enter this learning record in your system, that record will appear in their Learning History. The "Issued by" column will show the name of the organization the user entered manually and will be followed by the word "unverified" in parenthesis (e.g. "Issued by Northern Healthcare (unverified)"). This is to indicate that the learning record was generated outside of the OCI network and could not be verified by the OCI network for legitimacy nor accuracy. 

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/GIAX

Ref: HCE-5351

Showing LRX Records in the Learning Records Report (New Feature)

The Learning Records report, which allows administrators and supervisors to view the learning records for other users, now shows learning records completed via the OCI Marketplace! This means that even when a learner completes a course on another organization's learning environment, as long as that environment is "powered by Dual Code", then an administrator or supervisor can see a copy, which includes the title of the course, when the use completed the course, and the date of expiration (if applicable). Because these records or validated by the OCI framework, these records are verified for legitimacy and accuracy before being displayed in the report.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/jgA5

Ref: HCE-5323

March 25, 2022

Simple CSV Question Type Format (New Feature)

The Simple CSV format is for importing questions to be used with the Quiz module. The format supports True and False questions as well as the 'All or Nothing' multiple choice question type.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/9YEBBg

Ref: HCE-5376

URL for the Optional Logo (New Feature)

The theme allows administrators the ability to add an optional logo at the top right of the header (available under the "Header" tab in the theme settings). This enhancement allows the administrator to also specify a URL that the user will be redirected if they click on the logo. The URL opens in the same browser window.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/lgAG

Ref: HCE-4817

Users Were Not Being Enrolled Under Certain Conditions (Bug Fix)

When a program was set to not enroll users and was later updated to "automatically enroll" users, the users who were already in the program were not being enrolled in the courses. Only users newly added to the program were enrolled in courses. As part of this change, if the "automatically enroll" setting is enabled on a pre-existing program, all users (old and new) that are part of the program are enrolled in the courses.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/XAOj

Ref: HCE-4265

March 21, 2022

Supporting Documentation Would Erroneously Mark a Learner as Complete (Bug Fix)

Under certain conditions, a file uploaded in the "Supporting Documentation" activity within a course would mark the learner as having "completed" that activity prior to the submission being accepted by an instructor. As part of this change, the activity ensures that the submission must be approved by a user with the right permissions in order for the learner to receive an activity completion record.

Learn more here: /wiki/spaces/Healthcare/pages/34843904

Ref: HCE-5346

Asynchronous Reporting Infrastructure (New Feature)

The learning environment has numerous reports available. In large systems that contain hundreds of courses and tens of thousands of users, some of the reports may take a long time to load. It's not always practical for the instructor or administrator to stay on the page until it finishes loading. This feature introduces the concept of asynchronous reporting. When a user generates a report, the report is generated in the background. This means that the user can leave the web page and continue with their other tasks. Once the report is available, the user is notified via email and using the learning environment's built-in notification system. The user can then go back to the web page and view / download the report that has already been generated. 

The report remains available for a period of time (by default, 7 days). So if the user goes back anytime in the next week, they can continue to see the report. If they need an updated copy of the report, they can generate it once again, which kicks off the asynchronous report all over again. Even though an updated copy of the report is being generated, the earlier copy will remain available until the end of the 7 days.

Note that when a report is generated, only the user who generated it has access to that generated copy. 

For the moment, the only report that uses this asynchronous framework is the "Time Spent in Activities" report. Other reports that are known to take a long time to generate will be migrated over to this new framework in the near future.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/ZgOj

Ref: HCE-5296

Searching the OCI Marketplace by Organization (Improvement)

The OCI Marketplace search's tool has been enhanced to search by organization. If a user now enters the name (or partial name) of an organization and that organization has published courses in the OCI Marketplace, the list of courses will appear.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/SgOj

Ref: HCE-5278

Calendar Invites for Sessions with Multiple Dates (Improvement)

When a user signs up for a face-to-face session, a calendar invite is sent to them and added to their calendar (e.g. Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar, etc.). However, if a session had multiple dates in it (e.g.  March 21 and March 28), both dates were embedded in the same invite and certain calendar applications only accepted the first date and discarded the second date. As part of this improvement, the learning environment now sends a separate invite for each date in a session.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/DgD5AQ

Ref: HCE-5129

March 16, 2022

Automatic Exclusion OCI Users from Program and Cohort Conditions (Improvement)

Programs and cohorts allow an administrator to define business rules to automatically add and remove users. In order to exclude OCI users from these programs / cohorts, the administrator had to set explicit rules. If an administrator were to forget this important step, OCI users would be added to programs / cohorts and potentially be enrolled in courses that are meant for internal users only. Given that these rules are always meant for learners known to the organization (and not site visitors), the system now automatically skips OCI users when evaluating programs / cohorts conditions.

Learn more here: https://docs.dualcode.com/x/vIDHBQ

Ref: HCE-5335