User Profile Fields
The following smart tags can be used to display user profile information.
{firstname} : Display the user's first name.
{surname} or {lastname} : Display the user's surname (family/last name).
{fullname} : Display the user's first name and surname.
{middlename} : Display the user's middle name.
{firstnamephonetic} : Display the user's first name in phonetic.
{lastnamephonetic} : Display the user's last name in phonetic.
{alternatename} : Display the user's alternate name. If blank, it will display the user's first name instead.
{city} : Display the user's city.
{country} : Display the user's country.
{timezone} : Display the user's preferred timezone.
{preferredlanguage} : Display the user's preferred language in that language. Because of this, it will be encapsulated in an HTML span tag with an appropriately set lang attribute.
{email} : Display the user's email address.
{userid} or %7Buserid%7D : Display the user's ID (database primary key).
{idnumber} : Display the user's idnumber from their profile.
{username} : Display the user's username.
{userdescription} : Display the user's description.
{webpage} : Display the user's webpage as seen in their profile.
{institution} : Display the name of the institution from the user's profile.
{department} : Display the name of the department from the user's profile.
{userpictureurl X} : Display the user's profile picture URL. X indicates the size and can be sm (small), md (medium) or lg (large). If the user does not have a profile picture or is logged out, the default faceless profile photo URL will be shown instead.
{userpictureimg X} : Generates an html tag containing the user's profile picture. X indicates the size and can be sm (small), md (medium) or lg (large). If the user does not have a profile picture or is logged out, the default faceless profile photo will be used instead.
{profile_field_shortname} : Display's custom user profile field. Replace "shortname" with the shortname of a custom user profile field all in lowercase. NOTE: It will not display if the custom user profile field's settings are set to Not Visible.
{profilefullname}: Similar to {fullname} except that it displays a profile owner's name when placed on the Profile page.
{firstaccessdate dateTimeFormat} : Date that the user first accessed the site.
{lastlogin dateTimeFormat} : Date that the user last logged into the site.