Course Category Fields
The following smart tags can be used to display course category elements.
{categoryid} : If in a course, the ID of the course's parent category, the category ID of a course category page, is otherwise 0.
{categoryname} : If in a course, the name of the course's parent category, is otherwise blank.
{categorynumber} : If in a course, the number of the course's parent category, is otherwise blank.
{categorydescription} : If in a course, the number of the description of a course's parent category, is otherwise blank.
{categories} : Display an unordered list of links to all course categories.
{categories0} : Display an unordered list of just top-level links to all course categories. System Administrators, System Coordinators and Course Creators will see hidden categories but other users without this role will not.
{categoriesx} : Display an unordered list of other categories in the current category.