Help Centre

Help Centre

The Help Centre (https://support.dualcode.com) is a password protected site and its access is only available to specific System Administrators who have demonstrated competency in the system and have been designated by their employer as their formal representatives. If you do not have access to the Help Centre, please contact one of the System Administrators within your organization so they can answer your questions. You may not contact Dual Code directly if you do not have access to the Help Centre. The Help Centre will not allow you to log in without a valid account and will also block / discard any email it receives from unauthorized accounts.


Support Ticket Statuses

After you create a support ticket, it can have one of the following statuses, depending on the work done on it:





Waiting for Support

This means that the ball is in Dual Code's court. Our Client Services team or other Dual Code employee is working hard at reproducing or resolving the issue. There is nothing for you to do.

Waiting for Customer

This means that the ball is in YOUR court. Generally speaking, the ticket is in this state when our Client Services team has asked for more information regarding the ticket.

Waiting for Next Release

This means that we already have a solution to your problem, but it will only be available in our next minor release. In other words, we'll need to officially release the next minor version of our product, and then upgrade your system in order to resolve the issue in your production environment. Releases are available every other month. Read the "Release Schedule" section lower in this page to learn more about when releases become available.


This means that Dual Code feels the ticket is resolved but are awaiting your confirmation.


This means you have confirmed that the ticket is resolved. Note that a ticket may also be closed if it's been in the "Waiting for Customer" status for too long (e.g. 10+ days) and that the customer is not getting back to Dual Code.


The following process explains how a ticket moves through the multiple statuses above:

  1. As soon as a Dual Code client opens a ticket, it has a status of "Waiting for Support".

  2. If our Client Services team needs more information from the client to fix the issue, our Help Centre agent would ask for more details in the ticket, and move it to the "Waiting for Customer" status.

  3. If the ticket is waiting for a minor update, the ticket might move to the "Waiting for Next Release" status.

  4. When Dual Code feels it has solved the issue, the status is changed to Resolved.

  5. When the customer confirms the issue is resolved, it is changed to Closed. (If the customer is not satisfied with the resolution, they can ask Dual Code to move the ticket back from "Resolved" to "Waiting for Support", and why.

Release Schedule

Dual Code's release schedule and versioning scheme is similar to Moodle's schedule for LTS (Long-Term Support) releases. We try to release a new major version every 24 months and a minor release every other month.Ā  We have minor releases available in January, March, May, July, September, and November.

If a ticket requires a software fix, we do our best to address it in the next minor release. This means that if you raise an issue in May or June that requires a software patch, it will most likely be available in the July release.Ā This is usually true for tickets identified as a software defect (e.g. a "bug").Ā If the ticket is considered an improvement to an existing feature or a new feature, there is no commitment as to when or if it will be addressed.

Once a release becomes available, all System Administrators will be informed. They will receive an email (using the email address they have on file in the learning environment) and a notification in the learning environment using the system's built-in notification tool. You can learn more about the zero-touch update process by reading this article.


The priority of a ticket is important. It helps our Client Services team prioritize issues. The following table summarizes how Dual Code defines the priority of each ticket.






System crash, loss of data, severe memory leak, or important security issue.


Major loss of function with no known workaround.


Minor loss of function (specific to a feature or function), or other problem where a workaround is available.


Cosmetic problem like misspelt words or misaligned text.

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