Adding Courses for System Administrators

Adding Courses for System Administrators

A course is essentially an empty shell meant to contain learning activities and resources. Once a course has been created, you need to add activities and resources as a second step.

By default, a regular instructor can't add a course. To add a new course, you need to have System Administrator or Course Creator permissions. That being said, the procedure for Course Administrators is different than the one for System Administrators.

Step-by-step Guide

To add a course:

  1. Go to Site Administration > Courses > Add a new course

  2. Enter the course settings then click on the "Save and display" button

Important Notes

  • Once you create the course, a screen will prompt you to specify who you would like to enrol in the course. If you will not be uploading the learning activities to the course yourself (e.g. the training videos, reading material, quiz, etc.), you should enrol one or more Instructors to the course by clicking on the "Enrol Users" button and selecting the role of "Instructor" (or "Teacher") in the "Assign role" dropdown menu. Aside from System Administrators, only Instructors are able to add learning material to a course.

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