Enrolling Yourself in a Course
Supervisors can access most/all courses in their learning environment. This is so they can view reports, schedule their staff in classroom sessions, and more generally track the participation and progress of their staff.
If self-enrolment is enabled on a course, Supervisors can also self-enrol. Enrolling yourself in the course is necessary if you want to receive a learning record for a course.
Step-by-step Guide
To self-enrol in a course:
Go to the course in question
Click on Course Administration > Enrol me in this course
Depending on the enrolment method set by the instructor for the course, you may be prompted for additional information.
Important Notes
You must be enrolled in a course in order to receive a learning record. If you complete the course but are not enrolled in it, you will not receive a learning record.
Generally speaking, if you enrol yourself AFTER have completed the course, you should still receive a learning record, but some exceptions may apply.