

Audience: Administrators, Instructors, Supervisors

Location: Course Administration > Reports > Compliance

Asynchronous: No

Description: This report clearly identifies which users are compliant and/or non-compliant in a course. It tracks users who have completed the course online, in a classroom, or whose learning records were imported into the learning environment (e.g. historical / legacy records, when a user did the course at another organization, etc.). The report takes into consideration both once-in-a-lifetime courses and recurring courses that have an expiration date.

Note that only users who were registered in the course via a program are reported on. Users who self-registered in the course or for whom the course is optional are not tracked by the Compliance report.

The learning environment takes snapshots of the Compliance report on the last day of the month, just before midnight. The snapshots are archived so that you can view / download them at a later time. In the event that you are audited in 2023 for compliance records for the year 2022, you'll be able to retrieve the information from the archives. Note however that if a user is deleted from the system, they will be removed from the archive.

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