Time Spent in Activities

Time Spent in Activities

Audience: Administrators, Instructors, Supervisors

Location:Ā Course Administration > Reports > Time Spent in Activities

Asynchronous: Yes

Multi-site Friendly: No

Description:Ā This report states how much time people have spent in individual activities. The report takes into consideration that people sometimes leave their computer unattended and therefore has a configurable timeout value that is set to 15 minutes by default. If a user is inactive for more than 15 minutes (or the timeout value set in the report), then the report assumes that the person only spent 15 minutes for that one period of activity in the activity. Note that only users who spent time in the course during the start / end time specified in the query will appear in the report. Users who are enrolled in the course but did not spend any time in the activities are omitted from the report.