Purchase History

Purchase History

Audience: Administrators, Instructors

Location: Course Administration > Reports > Purchase History

Asynchronous: No

Description: This report lists the purchases that were made for a course that charges a fee. It shows the first / last name of the user who made the purchase, the date / time the purchase was made, the name of the product (e.g. the course) and the total fee (including taxes). The last column allows you to complete certain actions, including viewing the receipt for the purchase in a PDF format. If the purchase includes multiple licenses, the instructor can also download the link / key that would allow users to self-register with the pre-paid license and view the details about the license consumptions.

Note that this report shares the same name as the Purchase History web page available to learners in the Navigation block. While the two share similarities, this report is designed for administrators and instructors so they can see all the purchases for a given course whereas the page in the Navigation block is meant for learners so they can see all their purchases in a given learning environment.

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