Adding a User Manually
Most larger healthcare organizations will integrate their learning environment with an HRIS or even Active Directory server (OSS/BSS systems) to automatically import users into the learning environment. That being said, not all users are typically in an organization's OSS/BSS system. For example, hospitals often do not have user accounts for consulting Physicians, medical students and volunteers in their OSS/BSS systems.
System Administrators can add users manually to the learning environment even if a portion of their users are automatically imported from an OSS/BSS system
Step-by-step Guide
To add a user manually (for a low volume of users):
Go to Site Administration > Users > Accounts > Add a new user
Fill out the form for the new user
Click on the "Create user" button at the bottom of the page
Important Notes
If you are a System Administrator, you will see a "Show advanced settings" link at the bottom of the form. Clicking on this link will allow you to view more hidden fields that, while uncommon, you may want to fill out from time to time for certain users.
That being said, if you find yourself filling out the same fields all the time, contact us and we can update the basic template so you don't have to click on the "Show advanced settings" each time you fill out a user's profile.
The user will use the username to log in to the learning environment. It needs to be unique within a site and can be changed later on.
A username can only contain alphabetical letters in lowercase, numbers, hyphen '-', underscore '_', period '.', or an at character '@'.
An email address can be used as a username. In fact, Dual Code can configure the system such that the concept of username is hidden from the user and they are instead asked to register and/or login using their email address. If you would prefer to hide the concept of usernames from users, please contact us.
Generally speaking, accounts created by a System Administrator will use the "Manual accounts" authentication method. Accounts created by users themselves (e.g. where the user self-registers) use the "Email-based self-registration" authentication method. You can change a user's authentication method by following the procedure described here.