Completion Status

Completion Status

Audience: Administrators, Supervisors, Instructors

Location: Course Administration > Reports > Completion Status

Asynchronous: No

Description: This report lists all users enrolled in a course and whether or not they have completed the activities in the course, and the course overall. The report reads directly from the learning record store and therefore provides a much more accurate view of the user's progress. Compared to the "Course Completion" and "Activity Completion" reports, this report for example can:

  • Report on learning records uploaded using a CSV file

  • Report on equivalencies entered or approved by an administrator

  • Show when an activity was skipped by the user because it wasn't required (either the activity as optional, or a learning record or equivalency was granted to the user by an administrator)

This report pulls the information directly from the Learning Record Store, which is the source of truth for activity and course completion information. This means that even if an Instructor unlocks or changes the completion criteria, this report will continue to show an accurate status of a user's completion (whereas the "Course completion" and "Activity Completion" reports would no longer display checkmarks if the completion criteria changed under some circumstances).

A filter allows the user to filter the report by first and last name for ease of use. This report also respects a supervisor's reporting preferences as it related to showing direct reports only, or direct and indirect reports. Read Restricting the Users in my Reports to learn more.


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