Confirming Users who Self-Register

The learning environment allows users to self-register and create their own account by filling out a form. When this feature is enabled, users need to be confirmed - a step that verifies the authenticity of the users and grants them access to the learning environment.

In most cases, the self-registration methods allow the user to confirm their own identify. In this case, an email containing a link is sent to the user who then need to click on the link.Ā  It is possible however that the email went to the user's junk / spam folder, and they contact you to ask you to confirm their identify on their behalf. It's also possible to configure the self-registration methods in such a way that the email is sent to an administrator instead of the user him/herself, and the administrator is then required to confirm the user's identity.Ā 

Step-by-step Guide

To confirm the identity of a user:

  1. Go to Site Administration > Users > Accounts > Browse list of users

  2. Find the user in question
    NOTE: There is a search filter on the page to only display users who are not "confirmed"

  3. Click on the "Confirm" link next to the user in question

Important Notes