Dual Code has developed various reports for administrators, supervisors, instructors, learners and other roles. The reports listed below are already installed in your learning environment but may not be active yet. If you do not find these reports, please contact your Dual Code representative to enable them.
Even though the HCE learning environment comes with dozens of reports out of the box as well as a tool that allows you to build your own custom reports, we recognize that some organizations have very specific data collection and aggregation needs that can't be met with the existing reports and tools. Business Intelligence is a very complex field of science/industry, which is very hard to understand and very easy to misinterpret - especially for people that are not domain experts in this field. BI aims to convert complex and scattered data into information and knowledge to help managers better understand, analyze, and develop a strategy. Those working in this field are very aware of the difficulty of translating business requirements into "simple reports" and explaining why some technical implementations are so complex.
Dual Code offers its clientsĀ Business Intelligence (BI) Systems integration services, which are compatible with MicrosoftĀ® Power BIĀ®, TableauĀ®, and other leading BI systems. To learn more about these services, please contact us via our Help Desk or reach out to your Account Manager.