Recovering a Lost Link

Recovering a Lost Link

As per theĀ Buying Courses for Your Team article, you can purchase courses on behalf of your team. The course generates a link that is presented to you on the confirmation screen. If you did not copy the link (or lost it), you can recover it at any time.

Step-by-step Guide

To recover a link for the purpose of self-enroling in a course that you purchased:

  1. Go back to the 3rd party's learning environment system where you purchased the course

    1. If the course is on the Dual Code Training Centre, you can access by following these instructions.

    2. If the course is an OCI course, you can access it by following these instructions.

  2. Once on that system, go to Navigation > Purchase History

  3. Find the course in question in the Purchase History report

  4. Click on the "Copy enrollment link" icon in the last column next to the course in question

    1. Note that if you purchased the same course multiple time, it may appear multiple times in the report. Each purchase generates a different link. Be sure to click on the icon next to the right course.

Important Notes

  • Only the person who originally purchased / paid for the course can recover the link. In other words, "Jane" cannot recover the link for a course purchased by "John", nor can she recover a link for a course that she purchased using a separate account (if she has multiple accounts in the learning environment).

  • Anyone who has access to the link can use it to register. It's therefore important that you only share it with the individual who you intend to access the course.

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