Adding a Technical Support Page

Adding a Technical Support Page

The learning environment includes a web form that makes it easier for learners to contact your technical support team. The form allows them to enter their name and email address, both of which are automatically captured if the users are logged in. The users can also specify a subject line and a detailed message. When linking to the web page (e.g. using a "Help", "Technical Support" or "Contact Us" link in the top navigational bar), the page will present the form to the learner, or redirect them to an external technical support page if one is configured via the "Support page" setting.

The page is enabled by default, but you can disable it or configure many aspects of the page, including:

  1. Do you want to show it to users who are not logged in?

  2. Do you prefer to redirect users to an external page, such as a full trouble ticketing system?

Step-by-step Guide

To specify who can access the page:

  1. Go to Site Administration > System Configuration

  2. Under the "General Settings" tab, specify in the "Support Availability" field whether you want this page to be (a) limited to authenticated users or (b) available to anyone visiting the site. (Alternatively, you can completely disable this page.)

To redirect users to an external page, such as a full trouble ticketing system:

  1. Go to Site Administration > System Configuration

  2. Under the "General Settings" tab, specify in the "Support Page" the URL of the external page.

Important Notes

  • Even though the technical support page is enabled, it does not automatically appear in the top navigational menu or anywhere else on the site by default. If you want to display a link to this page in your top navigational menu or footer for example, you should link to /user/contactsitesupport.php

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