Updating Learning Records After Changing the Expiration Dates

Updating Learning Records After Changing the Expiration Dates

When a course's expiration settings are changed, it will only affect new learning records created going forward. Existing records will still show the expiration date as of the date the record was created. If you want all previous records to reflect the latest expiration rules, then you will need to somehow update the existing learning records. 

Step-by-step Guide

To void or update existing learning records using a CSV approach:

  1. Export the records you want to change following this article: Exporting Learning Records

  2. Void the learning records, see Voiding Learning Records in this article: Importing Learning Records

  3. Prepare to import new Learning Records with an updated expires timestamp using the file exported in step 1

    1. In the expires column, update the date the record should expire. ex: Use Jan 1 when the course must be completed by Dec 31

    2. If the course expires by lapse time, you will need to calculate the new expires dates based on the timestamp column and set the cell format to YYYY-MM-DD. There are some formulas for convenience below.

  4. Import the new Learning Records: Importing Learning Records

Here are some formulas to calculate expiration by lapse time of 365 days. Cell K2 is assumed to be the timestamp cell.

Excel or LibreOffice

=DATE(LEFT(K2,4), MID(K2,6,2), MID(K2,9,2)) + 365

For more information, please see:

Important Notes

  • If you want to simply void all existing learning records for a single course, you should follow the procedure explained in Voiding All Learning Records in a Course.

  • If you want to change everyone's expiration date for a single course to the same date, you should follow the procedure explained in Expiring Learning Records.

  • If your scenario is more complex (e.g. multiple courses, selecting specific learning records, specifying different expiry dates for different people), you will need to follow the step-by-step instructions in this article.

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