Understanding Security Roles

Understanding Security Roles

The security roles allow you to grant (or revoke) certain permissions to certain users. By default, there are 6 roles in the system. Additional roles may exist depending on the services that are enabled on your system.

  • System Administrator. System Administrators can modify most objects in the system, including users, programs, courses, and activities. They also have access to all reports that other user types may not have access to.

  • System Coordinators. System Coordinators can view and edit users and cohorts (but not add or delete them) and to view most reports in the system. They cannot make appearance nor configuration changes to the system.

  • Site Administrators. Site Administrators are only available on multi-site deployments. They have permissions similar to a System Administrator, but only in the context of the site(s) they manage.

  • Supervisors. Supervisors can view reports for his/her direct reports. This role is for anyone with supervisor duties and includes Managers, Directors and VPs.

  • Course Creators. Course creators can create new courses. While the permissions for the Course Creator role are fairly limited (they can create courses and add them to programs), once a Course Creator adds a course to the system, they are automatically assigned the role of Instructor in this course. This therefore grants them the permission to modify the course settings and manage the activities for that course.

  • Teachers. Teachers (or instructors) can do anything within a course, including changing the activities and grading students. They cannot however modify courses that they are not responsible for.

  • Non-Editing Teachers. Non-Editing Teachers can teach in courses and grade students, but may not alter activities.

  • Students. Students (or learners) generally have fewer privileges within a course. They can complete the activities assigned to them and track their own progress.

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