Displaying an Important Message

Your organization may from time to time display an alert or important message on your site to inform the users for example that the site will be down for maintenance on a certain date and time.

Step-by-step guide

To display an alert:

  1. Go to Site Administration > Appearance > Themes > English (or French or both depending on your system's language) > Settings

  2. Click on the "Alert Box" tab

  3. Enable the "Enable / disable alerts" checkbox

  4. Enable and fill out the fields in the "Alert Box 1" section of the page

  5. Click on the "Save Changes" button on the bottom of the page to immediately display the alert

Important Notes

  • The step-by-step guide above assumes you only want to display one (1) alert, but it is possible to display multiple alerts

  • The "Alert key" field identifies this alert from previous alerts. By changing it, all users who have dismissed the alert previously will see it again. If you change the alert, we recommend that you change the key to ensure all users see it.

  • When the alert is no longer necessary,  you should go back to the settings and disable the alert

  • The screenshot below illustrates a sample alert shown to users when the system is scheduled for maintenance. Dual Code will not enable this alert on your system. It is up to you, the client, to decide whether or not you want to display this alert or any other alert on your system whenever you schedule an upgrade.