Publishing Courses to the OCI Marketplace

Publishing Courses to the OCI Marketplace


Organizations who wish to promote (or even sell) their courses via the OCI Marketplace can do so at no additional charge. Once published, a course will appear in the search results of any healthcare worker who does a query in any learning environment powered by Dual Code.  This means that if someone working in a large hospital does a query for "Mental Health" in their workplace's learning environment and your course (published to the OCI marketplace) will appear in their search results. They can then click on your course's title and they will be redirected to your learning environment where they can register for your course.

When a course (and a system) meets specific conditions, the courses are automatically published to the OCI Marketplace. It is possible however that some or all of your courses don't get published for numerous reasons.


In order for courses to be published in the OCI Marketplace, they must meet a series of criteria. This is to ensure the quality and integrity of the marketplace. At a minimum, the courses must meet all of these conditions:

  • Course Publication. Not all systems are able to publish courses to the OCI Marketplace. If you would like to publish courses but are not sure if this setting is enabled on your system, please contact us via our Help Desk. We can confirm whether this setting is enabled, or perhaps enable it. There is no charge to enable this setting. There are however conditions that need to be met.  

  • Course visibility. In the settings of each course is a field called "Course visibility". In order for the course to be published in the OCI Marketplace, the visibility must be set to "Show". If the course is hidden, it will not be published to the marketplace.

  • Course end date. In the settings of each course is a field called "Course end date". In order for the course to be published in the OCI Marketplace, the end date must either be disabled, or be in the future. Courses with an end date in the past are not visible in the OCI Marketplace. (And if your course was successfully published, it will be automatically unpublished once the end date is reached.)

  • Self-enrolment. There must be at least one (1) self-enrolment method enabled on the course, and that method (or methods) must not restrict access to your course to certain groups of individuals. In other words, the course will not be published to the OCI Marketplace if users cannot self-register in the course by clicking on its title. The course does not have to be free. But if there is a fee associated with the course, the users must be able to pay online (via credit card, EFT or cheque). We recommend to use the "Self enrolment (Advanced)" enrollment method for best results, although other methods are supported. 

If your course meets all of these criteria and did not get published to the marketplace, please contact us via our Help Desk.

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