Increasing the Number of User Licenses

Increasing the Number of User Licenses


The organization wants to increase the limit on the number of users registered in the system, either because they anticipate a large volume soon, or because the System Administrator received an email and/or sees a message at the top of their screen saying that the number of user licenses approaches the limit as per their agreement with Dual Code.


To eliminate (or prevent) this message, you have 3 options.

  1. The easiest / quickest option is to purchase more user licenses. You can do so by contacting Dual Code via our Help Desk. The fees are most likely already stated in your agreement with Dual Code, but if you need a quote, someone from Dual Code can provide you one. The fees are pro-rated for the remainder of the year. This means that if the fees are X dollars for the year and you are in the 6th month of a 12 month agreement, the fees for the remainder of the current year would be X/2.

  2. The pro-active way is to encourage users to enroll in your courses via OCI (the Open Collaboration Initiative). OCI users do not count against your user licenses. If many of your users are not permanent employee with an account in your Active Directory (e.g. medical students, volunteers, healthcare workers employed somewhere else, etc.), it's best that you suggest they access your courses via the OCI Marketplace either from their employer's learning environment (provided its powered by Dual Code) or My Dual Code, a Learning Experience Platform (LXP) for healthcare workers that allows users to access to your public courses, or private courses that you've specifically assigned to them. To learn more about these solutions, please contact your Dual Code Account Manager.

  3. Finally, you can permanently delete users from the system to free up licenses. Please note that once a user is deleted, their information is permanently deleted. You will no longer see these users nor their information in course-level reports such as SCORM reports, quiz attempts, the gradebook, or other reports. And they will no longer be able to access your courses nor retrieve their certificate of completion. There is no way to recover this information after you delete a user.





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