Playing SCORM / Flash files

Playing SCORM / Flash files


Many older SCORM packages are exported in Adobe Flash. In July 2017, Adobe announced that it would end support for Flash Player at the end of 2020, and continued to encourage the use of open HTML5 standards in place of Flash. The announcement was coordinated with Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla. As a result, these companies have disabled Flash by default in their browsers.


If you are an administrator or instructor, and you have access to the source code for the SCORM file, we recommend you republish / re-export the SCORM package to HTML5. This should resolve the issue across all browsers.

If you are a learner trying to view the video, you might be able to enable Flash in your browser. In order to do so, you'll need to know what browser you are using and your operating system. If you're not sure about the browser / operating system, visit https://www.whatsmybrowser.org. This page will tell you about your browser and operating system, and will also confirm whether or not you have Flash installed / enabled. 

Once you have this information, you can do a search on the Internet to determine how to enable Flash.

NOTE: Given the various permutations of operating systems / browsers and the restrictions on enabling Flash in work environments, Dual Code cannot give specific instructions as to how to enable Flash in your browser.

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