Displaying Alerts and Important Announcements

Displaying Alerts and Important Announcements

You can display important alerts and announcements to users at the top of the page in a banner format. Learners have the option to dismiss these alerts once they've read them. Multiple alerts can be shown simultaneously, and they can be targeted to specific user groups based on their profile information.

Step-by-step Guide

To display an alert:

  1. Go to System Administration > Appearance > Theme > HCE > Settings

  2. In the “Alert Box” section (default on the page), ensure alerts are enabled by checking the first checkbox.

    1. This activates alerts in general, but individual alerts can still be enabled or disabled as needed.

  3. Go to the “Alert Box 1” section and enable the first alert.

  4. Set a unique key for the alert.

    1. The key is used for tracking. Once users dismiss an alert, it won't reappear. However, changing the key allows the alert to show again, even for those who have dismissed it before.

  5. Enter your alert text.

  6. Specify the type of alert (info, warning, or announcement).

    1. This adjusts the icon and color of the alert. You can customize the colors in the “Colours” section on the same page.

  7. Set the alert visibility to define who can see the alert.

    1. To display the alert to specific groups, select “Add custom profile field restriction”, and enter a rule in the following field. For example, to target only Physicians, use “role=Physician”. (Note: The field name and value may vary across systems based on custom profile fields unique to each site.)



Important Notes

  • While the alert text supports multi media format, we recommend that you mostly use text-based messages for alerts.

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