Displaying and Formatting a Date in an Appraisal Form
When building a performance appraisal form, it is possible to display and format key dates in a static block on the form, like the date the employee or their supervisor completed the form.
Step-by-step Guide
To display and format the date the employee completed the form:
Go to Performance Appraisal System > Manage Forms
Click on the Edit icon next to the form in question
In the "Form" section, add a "Static" block or edit an existing block
Enter the following in the static block wherever you want the first / last name to appear: {{#appraisal.employeecompleted}}{{#userdate}}{{appraisal.employeecompleted}}, {{#str}}strftimedaydatetime, langconfig{{/str}}{{/userdate}}{{/appraisal.employeecompleted}}
Click on the "Update" button to save your changes in the static block
Click on the "Save" button to save the form in its entirety
Important Notes
The above code would produce a result that looks as follows: Thursday, 14 October 2021, 10:01 PM
The example above displays when the employee completed the form. If instead you want to display when the supervisor completed the form, you can use the following: {{#appraisal.managercompleted}}{{#userdate}}{{appraisal.managercompleted}}, {{#str}}strftimedaydatetime, langconfig{{/str}}{{/userdate}}{{/appraisal.managercompleted}}